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Srantasburg (Sr Ant Uhs Burg)

Srantasburg is a big port city located in the Recrune Continent. It may not look like it, but Sranta has actually been around in form for two thousand years. It is the home of Myndis and Marty McNeil.


The population comprises mostly adult humans. However, the resurrection of the Dark Lord has brought with it somewhat of a refugee crisis.


A mayor and congress issue laws and are voted for in biannual elections.


A police force of 88 officers and security guards

Industry & Trade

Tourism, trade, business


An extensive shipyard, skyscrapers


  • Splureend (Shopping District) - Built around a shopping mall
  • Lareen (College District) - Srantasburg University grounds
  • Strasiol Point (Downtown Business District) - At the center of it lies the Srantasburg Stock Exchange
  • Splimmam Hills (Retirement Community) - 
  • Bayside Kacknit (Harbor District) - The southernmost district in Srantasburg, going down all the way to the Recrune Channel


Animal shelters, apartments, antique shops, bakeries, barbershops, a bar, a book store, convenience stores, development studios, equipment stores, exterminators, factories, a fire station, a gym, hospitals, hotels, a jewelry store, a law firm, a library, a news station, a park, pharmacies, a post office, restaurants. salons, schools, a stock exchange, veterinary centers, and a woodshop


Srantasburg was founded as a trading post near the ocean. With the passage of time, it has grown to one of the biggest cities on the entire continent.

Points of interest


Modern, steel


The city lies in a temperate area with a major ocean channel to the south


Founding Date
482 B.C.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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