Knights of the Platinum Dragon Organization in Cumae: The Orbis | World Anvil

Knights of the Platinum Dragon

This order of good and trustworthy knights was established long ago among the high nobility of Elinia, northwest of Khazig, originally to act as a needed bulwark against the perpetual invasion of monsters and those of evil intent from Inimsuji further north, but quickly growing to a multinational and indeed, global Order independent of any specific King.   Focused on protection of the innocent, justice for those wronged, and defense of civilization, the order readily produces adventurers from the rough-and-ready stock of its only semi-civilized homeland, and is known both in the west and in the Empire, though it is more rare in the Exotic East. It has manors and mustering grounds in many major cities including Enguril, from whence it takes part in the War in the West; Korione, the capitol of Dregath, as a locus for the ongoing defense from the predations of Mlastinan invaders coming up from the south; and a large complex in the city of Naugor for its operations in the eastern empire. As yet, for reasons that probably have more to do with real estate prices than anything sinister, the order has no official base inside the city of Khazigur itself.   Though it is a military, not religious order, the Knights of the Platinum Dragon seek to emulate the mindset and serve the call of Bahamut, the mythical chief of the metallic dragons, and the subdivisions of the order take their names and heraldry from various metallic dragons under the Platinum Dragon's headship. Many of its members openly worship Bahamut in conjunction with their loyalty to the Valentinian or Basilidean rite of Celestii Magni (Valentinism in the west, Basilidean in the east). In some cases they may even hold Bahamut up above the Celestials, though this is probably rare and likely only among the Dragonborn in the order due to cultural taboos and religious prejudices against outside faiths in most nations.   It should be noted that while chromatic dragons are rare on the Orbis, metallic dragons are virtually nonexistent and perhaps more myth than reality.   Members are not required to wear the order's colors or heraldry forthright, but are expected to incorporate it in some way such as on a vambrace or pauldron. Where exposure could be especially hazardous, the membership might be signaled only by a set of rings or an otherwise uninteresting piece of jewelry that includes a tiny dragon made of platinum and the order's colors. Tattoos and body markings, however, are not normally used as identifiers, certainly not to the degree that several other organizations use them.


A single Paladin knight, called the Platinate, heads the order.   Under the Platinate are the Seven Golden Defenders, who act as a personal bodyguard and as advisers to the Platinate.   The body of the Order is organized into Divisions or Schools, and in fact both training and the keeping of records and lore are critical roles inside each division. The divisions are each headed up by a single high-level Elite, and have slightly different emphases.   The Gold Division is overseen by a life cleric named Auristain who acts to protect and heal those in need, and oversees the healer school of the order. In addition to managing this school, the Gold Division Commander is the right-hand advisor to the Platinate, though they are not always in the same Manor of the Order.   Silver is an order cleric named Argent who acts through reason and strategy and oversees the school of tactics.   Bronze is a knight named Brindisi who fights with zeal and passion, and oversees the combat school.   Brass is a valor bard named Orichalk who can talk until the sun explodes and oversees the school of lore.   Copper is a sorcerer named Cyprian who is quite a trickster and cunning and oversees the school of magic.   Most of the warriors of the order train in 2 of the 5 schools. Healing, tactics, combat, lore, and magic.   Each school has various subdivisions that occur in each, such as combat including defense, horsemanship, and weapon mastery   There are small gathering locations in most major cities where knights gather to socialize and prepare for their next mission, and each is over seen by a senior knight who watches over the city and assists local leaders. These are much simpler affairs than the full blown manor houses but provide a base of operations and act as a stabilizing influence over the town and nearby area.

Public Agenda

The order's primary goal is to protect people from the horrors and villains of the world by building up local militias, and in actual practice much of its work is more police than military in nature, defending villages from bandits and apprehending petty criminals. However the order is engaged in full-on warfare both from its post in the War in the West and the manor house in Korione that defends that city and by proxy, the roadways from Mlastina to the rest of the continent. The original threats from the northern Inimsuji elves have proven to be less of a long-term problem than that posed in Mlastina. In that role they are also involved in mediating between mercenary groups, some of which are as bad or worse than the threat they're ostensibly there to stop.

Through Strength, Peace

Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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