Cumae: the orbis Torturer's Revolt

Torturer's Revolt



Since the founding of the Empire, the role of the five Heirodules in the appointment and validation of the new Autarch has varied and at times led to civil conflicts over succession to the throne. In 11203, the ascension of Aurtarch Igabra II after his mother's passing and his older sister's disappearance was sanctified by three Heirodules but opposed by two others as well as the Torturer's guild, over the accusation that Igabra had actually murdered his mother, Parthenope V, and sister, to whom primogeniture should have applied.

The resolution of this conflict is the date from which 'Modern' Khazigur is based. The conflict itself was bloody but limited to the capitol city of Khazigur. In the end neither Igabra II nor the alternative emperor supported by the breakaway Heirodules or the Torturer's Guild was approved, rather the title of Autarch was reclaimed by Berenike VI, the older daughter of Parthenope V who was sheltered after her younger brother's failed murder attempt by Duke Miros Havadenci of Piot Alenky to the north.   The Torturer's Guild was deeply demoted and brought directly under the headship of the Autarch, and at the same time the Heirodules were reduced to a rubber stamp agency, with the traditional laws of Noble Primogeniture codified in detail to cover every conceivable scenario and leaving the decision up to a majority vote in the Council of Kings and Queens in the event of an inconceivable scenario.   The 2nd of Bretranel's Month is "Reconciliation Day", a national holiday as it was the day Berenike VI re-established her right to rule and exercised that right by laying waste to her enemies at court. It is used as a special day to patch up disagreements and to give thanks for long and weathered relationships that endure the stresses and strains over the years. St. Berenike is the official saint of the City, and the district of Barrenyke, an archaric spelling, is named in her honor. Various structures around town and a significant porton of the visible House Absolute were among her ambitious building projects, and her body is interred under the high altar of the Pancelestial Cathedral, in the place of highest honor in the Empire.

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