Curiosity and satisfaction History of New Jerusalem Timeline

History of New Jerusalem

  • 1652 CE

    Founding of the Plantation of Missituk

    The Plantation of Missituk is founded by Jeremiah Wantage, Jebel Wheatley, Able Peabody, and Japheth Colwen.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1690 CE

    The College of the Missituk Vallye chartered
    Civil action

    The Great and General Court of Massachusetts charters “the College of the Missituk Vallye upon the petition of the townes and parishes of New Jerusalem, Sethwich, Kingsport, & Newe Salem”. The school is housed in the Congregational parish house on French Hill in New Jerusalem and soon comes to be called Jerusalem College.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1690 CE

    Incorporation of New Jerusalem Township
    Political event

    The Plantation of Missituk incorporated as New Jerusalem Township.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1692 CE


    The Salem Witch Trials begin.
    Cultural event
  • 1692 CE


    Witch panic reaches New Jerusalem
    Cultural event

    The witch panic reaches New Jerusalem and Hekeziah Massey, accused of witchcraft, is sent to Salem for trail but disappears from her locked cell before she can be executed. Roulet and Colwen relocate permanently to New Jerusalem Township. An ancestor of Ronald Underwood Pitman is hung during the Witch Trials.

  • 1692 CE

    1692 CE


    Witch Investigations
    Cultural event

    Sir Bartholomew Cunningham, along with his half-blood Indian assistant Benjamin Black, heads the New Jerusalem witch investigations.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1693 CE


    Witch Trials
    Civil action

    The Salem Witch Trials end.

  • 1761 CE

    Francis Derby and Jeremiah Orne return
    Financial Event

    Francis Derby and Jeremiah Orne return to New Jerusalem following successful careers as Salem sea captains. They bring five ships between them, determined to turn New Jerusalem into another West Indies trade port. They build docks and warehouses along the north side of the river, in the area around Fish Street.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1765 CE

    Missituk Liberal Arts College

    Jeremiah Orne dies. He leaves a library of 900 volumes and a bequest that, administered by trustees Francis Derby and George Locksley transform Jerusalem College into the Missituk Liberal Arts College. The school is housed in a large two-story building on the south side of College Street. The building contains the Orne library and a small museum of oddities brought back from the West Indies by New Jerusalem ships. This collection can still be seen at the Missituk University Exhibit Museum. John Adams Pickering, Harvard-educated and of the New Jerusalem Pickerings, is chosen as the college's first president.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1793 CE

    Strange Occurrence
    Life, Supernatural

    A boy enters an abandoned house near the New Jerusalem burying ground, and sees something there that it drives him mad.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1805 CE

    New Librarian
    Political event

    Reverend Ward Phillips, great-great-grandson of Missituk Liberal Arts College’s first president, becomes head librarian of the college.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1861 CE

    Missituk University of Greater Massachusetts

    The Missituk Liberal Arts College becomes the fully accredited Missituk University of Greater Massachusetts.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1882 CE


    Strange Meteorite

    A meteorite falls on the farm of Noah Forrester near New Jerusalem, not close enough to town to be heard. News of it reaches New Jerusalem the next morning. The Forresters call on Missituk University. Father Dennis Mary Bradley, Mr. Edgar Wade, and Winfield Scott Lovecraft arrive promptly and visit the site, then return the next day when their first specimen fades away when placed inside a glass beaker.. They later claim the stone “evaporated.”

  • 1883 CE


    Strange Vegetation
    Geological / environmental event

    Vegetation around the Forester farm grows unusually large. University professors again visit but dismiss the phenomenon as unimportant.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1883 CE


    The Forrester Family Dies
    Civil action

    The Forresters all sicken and die; the federal government moves in and secures the farm.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1888 CE

    Great Flood Of 1888
    Disaster / Destruction

    Flooding results from the melt off from the Great Blizzard of ’88. Coupled with heavy spring rains and offshore storms that drive the sea up the Missituk's estuary, the river swells far over its banks. The worst flooding ever recorded in New Jerusalem causes extensive damage to the riverside mills. Southwestern New Jerusalem is inundated, damaging the basement archives of the University library and destroying irreplaceable acquisitions.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1905 CE

    Typhoid Outbreak
    Plague / Epidemic

    Typhoid strikes New Jerusalem, killing many. At the height of the epidemic, an insane killer murders fifteen people before capture by police. He bears an odd resemblance to Dr. Allan Hallesley, former Dean of the School of Medicine and a recent typhoid victim.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1928 CE


    Witch House
    Life, Supernatural

    Wally Finney, a student of mathematics at Missituk University, begins to experience strange dreams and bouts of sleepwalking while rooming in New Jerusalem's Witch House.

    French Hill
  • 1928 CE

    1 May

    Witch House
    Life, Death

    Wally Finney dies when his heart is apparently eaten out by a large rat.

    French Hill
  • 1931 CE


    Witch House
    Disaster / Destruction

    A gale destroys the roof of New Jerusalem's long deserted Witch House. Later the bones of numerous children, the remains of a strange rat-like thing, and a number of unusual items are discovered in the house ruins. The items and bones of the rat-like thing are donated to the Missituk University Museum.

    French Hill
  • 1939 CE

    15 May

    Missituk Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A fire consumes the main Orne Library at Miskatonic University, destroying all of the upper levels, leaving only the basement levels intact. Dr. Hank Wantage dies while trying to save the Rare Book collection from the fire.

    New Jerusalem
  • 1940 CE

    3 July

    Mysterious Deaths
    Criminal Activity

    The mutilated bodies of several New Jerusalem citizens are found on the shores of Hobb Reef near Sethwich. The same day, the similarly murdered bodies of tourists are found in Tahiti.

  • 1951 CE

    Missituk University Reorganization
    Construction beginning/end

    Dr. Cyrus Llanfer's catalogue of Missituk University's folkloric and occult books, as well as its incunabula, is published posthumously. Around this same time, Missituk University's foundations, libraries, and museums are extensively reorganized. Planning begins soon afterwards for a refurbished library building.

    New Jerusalem