BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1 - Ghost House of Doom

General Summary


  • Andreas' character is apparently the captain
  • We're all members of the Order of the Gauntlet
  • We were all assigned to the group, but doesn't know eachother well yet
  • Damia got us the task of stopping a series of thefts
  • After investigating, we discover that only small stuff has been stolen, yet we fight two goblins until we reach the goblin leader Gob (Played by Nico)
  • Richard doesn't seem that concerned with keeping the fight non-lethal
  • We don't have horses, so are walking to Waterdeep to bring Gob to justice
  • Gob is not wearing manacles, but is walking with us of his own will
  • We fall asleep in our camp

Present time

  • Waking up we notice that the surrounding area has changed
  • There is fog, and we're missing a few things
    • Weapons, food, fine clothes, armour, other stuff
    • Ariah is missing most of her monster hunter gear
    • She still has her pendant
  • Ariah hears a wolf howl. She wakes Richard and Gob and warns them that we're about to be under attack
  • Richard accuses Gob of stealing the stuff
  • We gather our things, and tries to move quickly but silently
    • If we move more than 20ft, we'll lose sight of eachother
  • The walking order is Damia, Ariah, Gob, Richard
  • We hear another howl, of a third wolf
    • Richard pushes Gob towards the wolves
    • Ariah scolds him, and goes to the back herself, to stop them fighting
    • The order is now Damia, Gob, Richard, Ariah
  • The wolves are getting closer
  • We prepare
    • Damia grabs rocks
    • Gob grabs his thieves' tools
    • Ariah prepares to cast Toll the Dead
    • Damia casts Detect Magic
  • The wolves sound about 200 ft behind us
  • Damia notices what looks like a large wall in front of us
    • We decide to stand our ground
  • Ariah notices an opening in the wall about 100 ft away. But the wolves are also 100ft away in the other direction
    • We start running towards the opening, Gob leading the charge
    • Richard casts Shield of Faith on Damia
  • We reach huge, obviously magical(through Damia's Detect Magic) gates. Richard feels strong evil coming from both in front and behind
  • Gob gets through, and the gates starts closing behind him
  • Richard is just getting through the gate as a large wolf with glowing red eyes appear behind Ariah
    • She is about 10 ft. away from the gate
    • Damia casts Lightning Lure to pull her through the gate, crashing with Richard
  • The wolf stops outside the gate, staring at us
  • Gob keeps running out of view
    • We run to catch up with him
  • Gob picks up a rock and makes it glow green (artificer)
  • Damia eventually catches up and tackles Gob
    • The rest of us catches up and manage to calm Gob down
  • We try to figure out where we are. (Gob and Damia both crit)
    • Gob knows a people called ___, which has talked about their land, which is hard to come to
      • He lets us know that we might be in the country of hia business partner
    • Damia has heard legends of the Dreaded Planes, where you can just appear
  • Ariah spends some time listening and looking for more danger
    • When satisfied that we are safe, she performs her ritual
  • We take a short rest and describe the characters
  • We continue down the road with Richard leading the way
    • Damia takes out a book and a quill that starts floating and noting stuff while we walk
    • We walk for what feels like hours until we get to a clearing in the woods
      • There are three houses, looking about to collapse
      • We see two humanoid silhouettes that are waving at us
      • We walk over to them, and see that they are children
      • They need help, and mention that the parents are in the basement
      • They heard sounds coming from downstairs in the basement
      • Something has taken Walter
      • Richard insists that we help and the others follow
        • (Richard has to grab Gob as he starts asking for money)

We enter the house

First floor

The foyer
  • the foyer has a plaque reading 'the Dursts'
  • Paintings of aristocrats line the walls
  • Gob puts a green light on the stick that Richard is holding
  • A shield
Main hall
  • There's a decorative longsword carved with a windmill
  • A spiral staircase leading up
  • An unlit fireplace
  • Richard grabs the longsword and gives the stick to Damia
  • Ariah casts Light on his sword
The kitchen
  • Damia enters the kitchen
  • There's a mini-elevator for food, with a shelf in the middle
  • Gob finds a well-stocked cupboard in the kitchen
  • He grabs a potato and goes back to the group
    • It is dry and boring
The living room
  • It is full of taxidermized animals
  • There are two more cabinets
  • Gob is starting to get bored and lights the fireplace in the foyer with a firebolt
The dining room
  • Ariah looks in the dining room
  • There's a crystal chandelier
  • The walls are ornately carved with deer and trees
  • A painting of a whale (??) hangs over the fireplace
  • Ariah helps Damia look for secret passages by the stairs
    • We notice small details that we've missed
    • There are wolves hidden in the painted trees (?)
    • and something else Seb said
  • Richard breaks the elevator in the kitchen to be able to fit Gob in there
    • Damia and Ariah tries to talk them out of it, however Gob is convinced that it is a good idea to send him in alone
  • Damia tries to go outside, but the door is very locked
    • Ariah tries to help, and rolls well, but the door does not budge
    • Looking out the key hole reveals only darkness
  • Damia casts Detect Magic
    • There's magic above her in the foyer
    • And above the kitchen
    • Also several other magical sources further up the house
    • (the house has 4 floors )
  • As we're doing this, Richard shoves Gob in the elevator and clicks the lower of the two buttons. The elevator stands still.
    • He clicks the other button and the elevator goes up

Second floor

Main hall
  • Suits of armour flanks the doors with spears and helmets like wolf heads
  • A portent with two people
The Library
  • Lots of books
  • A picture of a windmill on top of a rocky crag over the fireplace
  • Seb lister opp hva som ligger på pulten, men jeg sona ut…
  • Damia tries to open the window, but can't
  • Richard tries to punch the window, but his fists stop before he can touch the glass
  • Damia finds an iron key in a drawer
    • She goes over to the door into the main hall and sees if it works, but it doesn't fit
  • Ariah compares the windmill on the sword with the one in the painting. They are similar, and similar to the signet stamp on the table
  • Damia tries the iron key on the main door, but the key is stopped by something
  • She goes to the living room and notice that the children are gone. But otherwise she can see fine
The music room
  • Gob enters a room with a piano and a harp
  • He hears 'rasling' in the room, coming from beneath one of the chairs in the corner
  • He sees two small eyes of an animal, it is shaking
  • He rolls a rock with light on it towards the animal and sees a small dog
  • Gob tries to make it a business proposal:
    • He gives it water, and they will be best friends
    • The dog likes him, and Gob sees a dog tag with the name Lancelot
  • The party meets up with Gob again, and he introduces us to the dog
  • Damia notice that the windows are magical
The servant bedroom
  • Damia enters a servant bedroom
  • The northern wall seems about to collapse
  • She investigates it and sees cracks in the wall and something on the other side
    • Suddenly a candle lights on the other side, and she notices a room on the other side, with a door that would lead into the library

Battle at the third floor

  • Richard goes to the third floor
  • Fikk ikke med meg beskrivelsen
  • He touches a suit of armour, which comes to life and tries to push him
  • Damia runs up and magically flings something at it
  • Richard attacks with the sword, denting it
  • The armour tries to push Richard down the stairwell, but fails
  • Gob shuts Lancelot in the music room to keep him safe and runs up the room
  • He casts Sanctuary on Richard, and gets hit by the armour
  • Ariah finally joins the fight and misses a Toll the Dead
  • Damia shouts for Richard to get out of the way, then jumps to a lower part of the stairs while pulling the armour down the stairwell with Lightning Lure
  • Gob loudly complains about taking 5 dmg
    • Richard heals him and tells him to shut up
  • Ariah asks Damia if she saw similar magic on the armours on the second floor
    • She and Richard take a look at the armours on the second floor
    • They will fit, however it will take about an hour to piece together
    • Richard goes to pick up the shield in the foyer (that none of the players realized were there…)

Scattered schenanigans

  • Gob goes down to the kitchen to find food for the dog
  • Damia goes to the first floor to investigate the defeated armour
    • It is now losing its enchantment
  • Damia investigates the library and discovers a hidden door by picking up a book without
    • A heavy chest is against the south wall, with a skeleton hand sticking up from the skeleton that lies before it
      • The skeleton is holding a scroll
    • Damia grabs the scroll, and sees that it is a letter from Strahd. She shares it with the party
    • She looks in the chest
      • Bank books (??)
      • Scrolls written in ___
        • They are spell scrolls, that she gives to Ariah
      • Official documents of ownership of properties
        • To this house and a windmill
      • A will to Gustav and Elisabeth Durst
      • A letter from Gustav to his brother called Dimov
      • Darts, which is the trap that killed the skeleton
        • Gob receives the darts
      • Nice black and gold leather armour, with a windmill on the back
        • Which she gives to Richard

Back to the third floor

  • The further up in the house, the more dirty and decrepit
Master bedroom
  • Richard enters the master bedroom first, with the party close behind
  • Damia has convinced Gob to bring the dog
  • Rotting tiger skin on the floor
  • Dusty portrait of parents
  • Jewellery box
  • A body is hanging. It is Mister Durst
    • He is holding a letter
    • Ariah whispers a prayer to Ilmater, and gently takes the letter
    • It has been hanging here for about an hour
  • Richard gently takes the body down and wraps it in the duvet
  • Ariah finds a glass door (??) that is locked. It is not possible to open with the iron key
  • Gob opens another room
    • Didn't hear description…
Small bathroom
  • Damia and Ariah enter a small bathroom
    • It is mouldy and dirty
  • Richard has been quiet since we found the body
    • When Damia asks he says that suicide is the worst that can happen to a wealthy family
Ghost room +
  • Damia is about to enter another room
    • She hears a cry of a newborn, and a woman trying to quiet it
    • When she opens the door she doesn't see anyone, but notices that the sounds are coming from the room to the left
    • There are portraits of the parents, the children and a sixth person: A woman Gustav is giving dirty looks
  • Damia enters the room to the left
    • a woman is standing in the corner, holding something
    • As she turns, the skin on her face sloughs off. She tells Damia to be quiet
    • The clothes are the same as the woman in the painting
    • When Damia walks into the room the woman flies through us and into a mirror in the other room
      • She smiles and says "Walter please", and a click comes from behind the mirror
      • Moving the mirror reveals a secret staircase up

Fourth floor

  • We go up the staircase to the fourth floor
  • There's a lot of dust and cobwebs
  • There's a door with a padlock, and other normal doors
Children's room
  • Damia opens the padlock with the iron key
  • (Gob offered to pick the lock if it didn't work)
  • Inside we see a bricked up window and two children's beds
  • A dollhouse identical to the actual house
  • Two child skeletons
    • Richard puts a blanket over the children
  • Gob opens the chest
    • There are stuffed animals and toys
  • Inside the dollhouse he finds the different rooms we've been in, including the secret room we found
    • He also finds a secret staircase that leads to a place we haven't seen
  • As he is about to leave, there is suddenly a feeling of toys, as the ghost of Thorn asks if Gob is playing with his toys
    • He and Rose tells Gob that they have always been here since the accident
    • They tell Damia that Mother took Walter down to the basement because she was angry with Dad
    • They don't want Damia and Gob to leave
    • They promise that they will be helpful, and Thorn possesses Lancelot
    • Rose jumps into Damia after promising not to get in the way
      • Rose lets Damia stay in control
      • Ariah tells Damia to tell her if she wants help
    • Ariah asks Rose about armour and weapons in the house
      • Mother often got visitors at night while the children were locked in
      • 12 visitors came
    • Rose wants Damia to eat some food
      • Ariah can't see any side effects from Gob eating the food earlier

Preparations before the descent

  • We go down to prepare before going further
  • Damia, Richard and Gob goes to the kitchen to get some food
    • Richard eats a tasteless piece of jerky
    • Gob casts Prestidigitation to make a wheel of cheese taste better
      • Lancelot/Thorn is eating on the other side
    • Damia tries to eat carrots, but Rose doesn't like them
      • After eating something else, Rose is satisfied
  • Meanwhile Ariah has been working on setting up the armour
    • Eventually Richard comes to help
    • Gob agrees to bring her some jerky for the right price (a shiny pebble)
      • He brings as much as he can carry
    • She gets a suit of chainmail
  • Gob starts mending the broken armour at the bottom of the stairwell
    • For at price: A nice rose conjured by Richard's ring
    • The result is a half-plate
  • While waiting for Gob, Damia checks out the jewellery box in the master bedroom
    • The box is worth money
    • She also finds a necklace, rings and a letter
    • She asks Rose if she can keep the jewellery. Rose tells her to ask Mother, so Damia leaves it alone

Further exploration of the fourth floor

  • The others, beside Gob who is working, goes to continue looking
  • We open a door but I couldn't hear what was in it
  • Another room has much dusty furniture covered with cloth, and a chest that looks less dusty than the rest
    • Damia takes away the cloth on the chest and sees the corpse of the first ghost we saw
    • There is blood splatter on the cloth, as the corpse has clearly been stabbed
    • Ariah prays over the body
  • The half-plate Gob was making is now ready
    • Richard takes the Half-plate and Gob gets the leather armour
  • We're now ready to go down the staircase to the basement
    • We manage to find the way to open the door
    • As we're walking down, we hear chanting coming from below

Plan for next time

Continue heading down the stairwell and face whatever waits below
Report Date
09 Jun 2022


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