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Session 10 - Demon in the Orphanage

General Summary

  • We head to the St. Andral's Orphanage
    • It looks weathered
    • Damia knocks on the door, with the rest of us close behind
    • Headmistress Claudia Belasco greets us. She is straight-backed, but graying
    • Damia asks if we can speak to Milivoj the Gravekeeper, and Ariah explains that Father Lucian sent us
    • She is suspicious and asks if we're seeking money from him.
    • He is quite sick now
    • Someone else has been here to asks him about money later today
    • He has been out cold for a few days. Ariah offers to help, explaining that she is a cleric
    • Jonathan asks her to describe the people who came. There were two brothers, rough around the edges. They had information from him and wanted money from him.
    • Milivoj gets up to "all these different dealings", she doesn't pry to much
    • He is 19 years old
    • We're invited in and head to Milivoj's room
      • Milivoj's room is covered in dirt
      • Jonathan cleans up some of the dirt with Prestidigitation (In an alternate universe, he hurls the dirt in Richard's face because of a rasist remark...)
      • He has "byller" and is bleeding in a face
      • Claudia is concerned that it is contagious, as some of the children has started exhibiting the same symptomps.
      • Richard approaches him to check his condition. He feels an evil presence and knows that the disease is not completely natural
      • Richard asks why he is here, when he is an adult. She says that he should have moved out, but he has step brothers here and is helping out
      • Ariah asks for some privacy, and Claudia leaves
      • We discuss, and Ariah suspects that this is caused by the artifact we're after, and that we need to get it away from them before curing them
      • Damia casts Detect Magic and detects strong necromancy all around him, some faint traces on the kids and a very strong presence above us
      • Ariah, standing close to the bed, sees something on the bed posts: Small marks in infernal meaning "dark dreams"
      • She points it out, and Richard notices that it has been carved in with a knife
      • Damia confirms that they are faintly magical
      • Richard uses Detect Poison and Disease, but doesn't detect anything
      • We talk about how to remove curses, and Jonathan mentions a curse from a bird (when he saw himself dead at the crossroads)
      • Richard insults him with a rasist remark, Jonathan responds by using prestidigitation to make his socks wet
      • They start arguing, and everyone except Richard goes to check upstairs
      • After we leave, Richard notices that Claudia enters the kitchen
      • Eventually Jonathan comes back down
      • Richard apolgises to Jonathan, and Jonathan asks him to make it up to him by standing between him and the "demon child" upstairs
      • Richard doesn't want to leave Milivoj unsupervised
      • Eventually he is convinced, when Jonathan says he will take full responsibility if Milivoj leaves
    • We reach the second floor
      • There are a bunch of bedrooms with the doors open, a broken window to the south and a hatch in the roof
      • The only closed door is in front of us. We hear the singing of a young girl through it
      • Damia slowly opens the door, and reveals a small nursery with a few toddlers and a 16 year old girl humming, and another girl sitting
      • Damia closes the door, opens the hatch and climbs up (the magic is further up)
    • The attic is empty except for a 7-8 year old boy carving a wooden doll (Felix the Orphan)
      • Damia strikes up a conversation
      • The boy emotionlessly tells her the doll is for Cedric, who died last week (?)
      • Damia gets close enough to detect a strong necromancy from the amulet aroung his neck
      • Cedric fell out the window downstairs
      • Jonathan starts backing away and heads back to Richard
      • Damia complements him on the necklace and asks him where he got it from
      • He got it three(?) weeks ago, finding it on the streets
      • That day he became an orphan
      • It talks to him when he is away(?), and becomes him sometimes
      • He knows that it hurts the other children. He is fine with it, and says that we might not be ok
      • He doesn't need much more, but he has a feeling that he is going to get it from us
      • The last part is spoken is a distorted, deep voice
      • Damia instantly casts Catapult, while Ariah casts Shield of Faith on Ariah
      • (His name in Foundry is Shadow Demon...)
      • Damia then uses a gust of air to jump backward
      • We roll initiative
        • "You made a big mistake coming here. Now give me your souls"
        • He crawls on the walls, keeping 10 ft. distance
        • He misses two attacks on Ariah, and takes cover behind the broken furniture
        • Jonathan and Richard make it up the ladder
        • Jonathan Bane's him and Richard Protects Jonathan from Evil and Good
        • Damia retreats, and the demon follows
        • It hurts her and seemingly tries to grab her soul
        • Something gets dragged out of Damia, and the demon heals and gets stronger
        • Richard can't reach us yet, but Commands the demon to Flee, preventing it from attacking Damia if she retreats
        • Damia casts two Catapults, doing a lot of damage before jumping away
        • Ariah heals Damia and gets close enough to get an opportunity attack (Inflict Wounds doesn't seem to affect it... rip)
        • Jonathan has now given Bardic Inspiration to everyone and Richard finally reaches the demon
        • Damia uses Lightning Lure to drag it down from the wall
        • The demon is getting hurt and desperate, it hits Richard and crits on the soul thing
        • It avoids Richard and goes for the squishier members in the back
        • Richard runs towards it and throws a broom (with slight bardic thunder dmg)
        • "You mortals fight well, but what will you do about this?" The kid appears before the demon, terrified. The demon is holding the knife against the kids neck
        • The demon says he needs the boy when Damia asks if he will just kill the kid anyway
        • Damia and Ariah roll low on insight, but Jonathan rolls high and realises it is bluffing
        • Damia says "sorry child!" and casts catapult on the demon (thinking the demon is going to kill the child)
        • The demon turns into smoke, that seeps into the locket. When the demon is completely gone, the locket falls to the ground
      • Ariah and Damia both carefully wraps it in blankets and Ariah takes it for safe keeping
      • Damia tells the terrified kid that his parents are dead and that the demon has made him do terrible things
      • Jonathan wraps him in a bedroll and carries him downstairs
      • Richard goes downstairs to check that Milivoj is still unconcious, then comes back upstairs
      • Seeing Richard like that makes all the children terrified
      • Damia calls Claudia to tell her what happened, but she is busy calming the children
      • We gather in Milivoj's room and Claudia eventually comes to scold us
      • We tell her that we saved Felix from a very cursed amulet, and she understands after seeing who it is
      • She says that strange things have happened since he's arrived
        • The three kids he was sharing a room with has gone missing
        • Cedric died
        • The other kids got rashes
      • Ariah checks up on Milivoj's health, and sees that he is getting better. It will take time, but it is at least better
      • Damia suggests that we come to check up on him tomorrow. Claudia is happy that we're coming to help clean tomorrow
      • She calls Jonathan Little Man, and he rolls a really high deception check to convince her that his name is Big Man
      • Ariah asks Claudia if Milivoj has been in contact with Felix
      • Claudia says that he wasn't in a lot of contact, but that he confronted Felix about the disappearences
    • As we exit the house, a man is waiting outside expectantly. He hands a letter to the first person who exits (Damia?)


Receive the letter from the mysterious man. Get some rest and restore some spell slots. Do something about the cursed amulet.  
Report Date
20 Sep 2022


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