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Session 19 - Casually planning to kill all leaders and ruin the economy <3

General Summary

  • We go to the church to warn Ireena
    • Ireena is doing her best in fixing the church, and is wearing a priest robe like a cape over her armour
    • There are others in the church to help with the restaurations
    • We go to her new office for some privacy
      • We tell her about what we found out
      • Richard tells her that we think Strahd might make the spirit of his past lover take over Ireena's body
      • She knew the last part, but is concerned about the other stuff
      • Ireena suggests hiding in the hatch to avoid being killed during the ceremony, but is worried about what might happen if Strahd worshippers take control of the city
      • Damia proposes making someone else fill that power vacuum
      • Campaigning for Ireena is mentioned
      • Richard suggests assassinating Lady Wachter
      • The history of the church is to hole up until you die...
      • Jonathan suggests getting both Lady Wacther and the Burgomeister, then disguising themselves as Lady Wachter and appoints Ireena as the new ruler of the city
      • Our final plan: We kill Lady Wachter today. Tomorrow one of us impersonates her to lead the rebellion and cede the power to Ireena.
      • We manage to convince Ireena that she would be a good ruler
      • We should ask Lady Wachter about her role, before killing her. To know of possible cues
      • Someone might have to disguise as Ernst Larnak
    • We're interrupted by someone asking Ireena if it is time to move the body of Father Lucian
    • Everyone except Richard offers some sort of help
    • Jonathan finds the head, and we carry the coffin into a room
    • Ariah ritually preforms Gentle Repose to prevent undead the next 10 days
    • Jonathan will contact Jackie Daytona for a funeral service
  • Richard leaves a note at the orphanage to warn them of the coming rebellion
  • On our way to Third Eye Potions we find some street vendors selling the latest fashion: Vampire-repellant ropes
  • The potion shop is locked. A nearby passerby informs us that Anya Trevali died in the chaos
  • She proceeds to try to sell us burlap sacks. She also sells 1 meter of vampire-repellant rope for 5(?) gp
  • We buy two big (human sized) burlap sacks (the price was 2 sp for Damia and 5 sp for Jonathan, since the demand went up)
  • Damia is also forced to pay 3 sp for a bag that was broken on her head
  • Richard pays her 2 gp for all her wares (7 large, 5 medium and 8 small)
  • We head back to the room so Damia can spy on Lady Wachter though her hair
    • She sees a room she hasn't seen before
    • There is four beds (?)
    • She is talking to a hooded person
    • "Tonight is the night ___
    • Gather everyone here this evening, bla bla, before we set our plan into motion tomorrow"
    • As Lady Wachter is walking out, Damia hears two gates closing
    • Damia is only able to see though it for 1 min, and then the lock of hair is harmlessly destroyed
    • We plan to tell Lady Wachter that the Burgomeister suspects her, and offer to stay in her mansion to protect her (that way we will know when she returns from her secret meeting)
  • It is starting to get dark outside when we head over to the Wachter Estate
    • as we're approaching the door, Richard and Jonathan sees something move in their peripheral vision
    • They warn the rest of us, and we see two hooded figures open a gate and enter something at the side of the house
    • We head down to investigate as Lady Wachter's friends would do...
      • The floor is moving
      • A skeletal hand grabs for Richard and Jonathan, as 8 skeletons crawl out of the dirt floor
      • Jonathan is grappled, but manages to tear of it's arm
      • He notices that they all have amulets with knife symbols
      • Ariah manages to turn all but two skeletons, and heavily wounds one with her spiritual weapon
      • Damia gives herself Mage Armour and Richard uses Shield of Faith of himself
      • One of the skeletons runs through the wall, and there is a glowing effect as it disappears and muttering is heard on the other side
      • Richard strikes a skeleton down as it is running away
      • Jonathan manages to take off one of the amulets, and the skeleton falls to the ground
        • The amulet is a strahd coin with a knife stamped on one side
      • Ariah kills a skeleton with her spiritual weapon
      • Damia uses Ray of Frost to slow the last non-turned skeleton, before she peeks through the door
        • A lot of people turn to look at her, as she slowly steps away
        • Richard finishes off the skeleton
      • Lady Wachter calls out from the top of the stairs: "What are you doing down here? You could have just asked!"


Tell Lady Wachter that we came down here to investigate some suspicious people that seemed to be sneaking in. Bake this into our lie that the Burgomeister might be suspicious of her and we thought he sent assassins.   The skeletons are only turned for a minute.   Ariah's backup plan if we kill the whole resistance before the rebellion: Use Suggestion on Burgomeister Vargas "The Baron" Vallakovich to make him publically cede his power to Ireena.
Report Date
08 Mar 2023


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