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Session 3 - Welcome to the Village of Barovia

General Summary

Jeg har dårlig nett, så kan misse noe til notater  
  • It is now the evening/night. Barovia doesn't have sun, but we can see that the sky has turned darker
  • We find a good and defensible campsite, and take a long rest with guards posted
    • First watch is Richard who uses the lantern he just got to be able to see
    • Then Damia
    • Then Jonathan. He hears wolves howling
    • Then Ariah. She also hears wolves, about 12 different packs
  • The night passes more or less uneventful aside from the sound of wolves
  • As we head towards the village we see lots of 'rotgrønnsaker' on a field. Nothing grows above ground
  • We see small groups of people walking the fields, but something doesn't seem quite right. They're not actually working the field
  • Ariah asks Richard to Sense evil, and Damia Gusts him up so he can see
  • There are three undead in that direction
  • We continue down the road
  • The village looks very rundown, with clawmarks on the buildings. An old lady is the only person we see
    • She says that is has been a long time since there's been travellers
    • This is the village of Barovia (not the land of Barovia)
    • She gives us directions to an in
    • The cart she is pushing contains pies
    • She seems to have good intentions
    • Jonathan shakes her hand to check if she is dead (with his ring)
    • Jonathan want to buy a pie
    • They are her grandma(?)'s recipie, and are meant to give you sweet dreams
    • All the guards dies in the resistance
    • All the remaining guards are probably out in the field, we went passed them...
    • She would get in trouble for talking too much about the uprising
    • "They succeeded and failed at the same time, now they are doomed to walk this earth as ghosts"
    • They succeeded in their goal of killing the ruler, but he came back again and killed them
    • She doesn't want to say the name of the ruler, but thinks we know
    • Damia uses some slight magic, and the lady says she hasn't seen magic since the uprising
    • Not a lot of people know magic here, so Damia will be very useful. Which is good since she will be here for a long time...
    • The lady offers us some pies each (they will sustain us for two days each)
    • Damia notices enchantement on the pies, and warns us through message
    • They are meat pies
    • She is names Morgantha but wants us to call her Granny
    • There is one shop in the town: Bildrath's Mercantiles, which is a general store.
    • They used to have more shops, but the owners died
    • We will find the son of Indirkov Kolyanocivh in the tavern. 
  • We head to the tavern
  • Damia studies a pie, and thinks the ingredients are what was enchant
  • The tavern is called Blood of the Vine
    • The tavern doesn't have any rooms, since they don't have travellers
    • But he wants us to stay and have a drink, and maybe things will sort themselves out
    • There is only wine in Barovia, not ale
    • Damia buys the house wine, and tries to bribe the barkeep to tell us a place to stay
    • A nobleman in the corner offers to solve our problem and buys a pitcher of wine for anyone of us that wants it
    • He knows Lancelot, it is Gertrude's dog. She went missing a week ago
    • He says everyone knows the house is haunted, and only stupid people would go in
    • Ismark Kolyanavich is the burgermeister(hæ) of this town
    • Richard brags about being a noble
    • Ismark asks what brings us permenantly to Barovia
    • Damia lets him know it was an accident, and tells him of our mission and that we are from the Order of the Gauntlet
    • Jonathan introduces himself with a handshake, and the ring doesn't glow
    • Ariah introduces herself as a cleric of Ilmater. Ismark doens't know of the god
    • Ismark explains that we won't leave for a while. One gets to Barovia by birth, accident or is brought here by the Vishani(?)
    • He will pay us handsomely and give us shelter for the night, if we do him a favor.
    • He needs help carry his father's casket to the graveyard
    • The village has been under constant attack these passed few weeks. Since the father died, there has been no attacks.
    • He offers 20 gold, Richard tries to haggle, but failes
    • Jonathan tells him that he knows a casket bearer named Jackie Daytona that he saw down the road, but his prices are steep
    • He is trying to haggle. "He has carried kings! He usually doesn't dip below 100gp, but for you I'll do 40gp"
    • They already have a priest for the ceremony, but will pay for the legendary casket bearer
    • Ismark asks if Jackie will be staying as well, but Jonathan says that he is a wildman that doesn't stay in civilisation. He rolls great at his deception check (Ariah rolled high enough insight to realize it was not true)
    • The priest is called Father Donovich
    • Stahd is the only one that allows people to leave Barovia
    • Strahd was the one who killed Ismark's father. He lives in Castle Ravenloft, and has been the ruler for ____ years. He is the curse of this land, and the reason why no one can leave. He only allows the vistani(??) people to leave (he motions to the three women that are listening in on the conversation)
    • We can go to Ravenloft and ask, if we want
    • Strahd has a lot of spies everywhere, and it is said that he can mind read people
    • Damia thinks the wine is surprisingly good
    • Ismark warns us not to travel at night, there are creatures and things you wouldn't dare to imagine
    • Every night wolves and undead claw at the windows
    • He looks uncomfortable when Richard asks why, and says he will tell us at the mansion
    • Richard asks if there is a place to keep our prisoner (Gob). Ismark says that we're all prisoners now
    • Gob is thinking about starting up a new business here
    • Damia points out that we're out of our jurisdiction
  • We head to the general store, and will meet Ismark at the mansion later (the mansion is left of the general store)
  • (I didn't catch the name of the roads.... Kaliam street? and something else)
  • In the general store
    • He sells anything onthis list except weapons and armour
    • Damia wants manacles, he will sell it for 20 gp
    • And rations for 5 gp each.... it is normally 5 sp
    • Richard wants to sell gemstones and the dagger he grabbed. He will give 8 gp per gem and 5 gp for the dagger
    • After some haggling between Richard and Gob, Richard gives Gob 4 gp
    • Gob tries to be a loanshark and offers to loan money to the rest of the party
    • There are no potions
    • But we decide to see what we can get from the mayor before buying anything else
  • We go to the mansion
    • There are burn marks and claw marks all around the house
    • Ismark greets us and introduces us to his sister Ireena Kolyanocivh
    • She is wearing armor and is very pretty
    • Richard summons a rose and offers it to her
    • He offers us dinner as we speak
    • Damia asks them about Granny's enchanted pies
    • They say that the pies are edible, but that you will get very addicted. She sells them to everyone, and they really want the pies so they pay what they have
    • Richard asks about the circumstances about the fathers passing
    • Irena explains that Strahd is in love with her and wants her. He has put a curse on her and bitten her twice
    • Jonathan kinda abruptly shakes her hand. The ring doesn't glow
    • Ismark confirms that Strahd is a vampire
    • Every 10-20 years Strahd takes the 'best ladies' in Barovia and turns them into vampires
    • Irena tells us that he charms them by looking into their eyes, and they are unable to resist
    • Damia seems lost in thought, Ariah asks about it
    • Damia is trying to remember anything about vampires, Ariah tells her that she used to be a monster hunter
    • She gives Irena tips on how to protect herself, including giving her a wooden stake
    • Ismark tells us that keeping Irena safe is the real reason he asked us here
    • There is a settlement that has not been attacked yet (didn't catch the name.... Vallachi?). He want's us to take Irena there
    • Richard asks for compensation, Ismark doesn't have much money but can give us something of value. Food for instance
    • He mentions two gilded books (one about the legend of Barovia), some rings and three golden necklaces
    • Gob asks for a wheel of cheese, they have a half
    • The last few days have been worryingly calm, every since the father died
    • There are three beds downstairs and three downstairs
    • Richard takes the double bed upstairs, Jonathan takes the single upstairs
    • Damia, Ariah and Gob sleeps downstairs
    • Before going to sleep, Ariah casts Gentle Repose on the corpse (to prevent it from turning undead), and then performs her ritual
    • We go to sleep
  • We are abruptly woken up by glass breaking outside
    • There are shapes outside, and wolves howling
    • We quietly go towards the main hall, and see many creatures coming inside the mansion
    • Damia tries waking Jonathan and Richard with message to warn them
  • Ariah opens the door and sees a lot wolves looking right at her. Roll initiative
    • We hear more wolves outside
    • Most of the wolves surround Ariah, as she is blocking the doorway to protect Damia and Gob
    • Ismark kicks the wolf in the stairs, and runs to guard the entrance
    • Damia Catapults and kills two of the wolves in front of Ariah
    • Richard is knocked prone
    • Jonathan's Bardic Inspiration is a lot better now ^^
    • Damia Enlarges Ariah
    • (my pc is crashing)
    • Damia is knocked out right after Ariah heals her
    • Eventually, when we're down to two wolves, a commanding powerful howl sounds from outside, and the wolves retreat
    • Ariah is able to hurt one when it moves away from her, but it survives
    • Damia magically Catapults some glass shards after one of them and obliterates it
    • In the end, we killed 14 wolves and only 1 got away
  • Ariah gathers everyone and spends 10 min on a Prayer of Healing
  • We decide to all sleep upstairs, and barricade the stairs with dead wolves
  • We divide into a girl room and boy room
  • Ismark takes first watch


  Carry the casket (with the famous casket bearer), then escort Ireena to the safe city
Report Date
14 Jul 2022


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