BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 7 - How to Save a Damia

General Summary

(Litt dårlig nett denne session, så kan hende jeg ikke får meg meg alt)  
  • Richard grabs ash and throws it into the air where Granny disappeared, it doesn't reveal anything
  • We don't notice anything to indicate that she is still here but invisible
  • Ariah quickly explains the situation, and the group decides to save Damia (now that Ireena has been seen, she can come as well)
  • Ariah casts Bless on Jonathan, Ireena and Richard, and Light on Richard's sword
  • As we approach, a crow is circling us and cawing a lot, before sitting in a tree and watching
  • We get to the door and Richard kicks it in
  • There is no one on the first floor
  • It smells of pie, and something gross from the barrels
  • Richard grabs a handful of flour
  • Two ladies comes running down the stairs
  • Richard is trying to intimidaate them to tell him if they're "with the old hag"
  • They say yes, but try to get us to leave
  • Ariah tries to fool them, but Morgantha warns them not to trust us from upstairs
  • Richard is on his way to barge up the stairs and shove the ladies out of the way, when we roll initiative
    • The door shuts and locks by itself
    • Richard gets polymorphed into a frog immediately after combat begins
    • Then he get's knocked out by a lightning bolt (29 dmg), while Jonathan and Ariah takes half
    • Ariah uses both Perserve Life and Healing Word on her turn, and tells the party that we need to flee
    • The party agrees and we run (the door got shattered by the Lightning Beam)
    • They don't follow us, but we hear laughter
  • We try to convince Richard to not give up on saving Damia
  • Jonathan suggests casting Augury tomorrow, to see what we should do
  • We go about 1 km back the way we came, and camp in the forest
    • Watch order:
    • Ireena (with a glowing sword for 1 hr and a torch for the rest)
    • Jonathan
      • After Ireena's watch goes quietly, Jonathan starts his with anxiety
      • Otherwise it is uneventful
    • Ariah
      • Ariah does her ritual twice then prays to Ilmater (rolls really well)
      • She asks if Damia is ok, and if she has passed: if she is in His realm or if she died in a more peaceful way
      • She get's a feeling of a heartbeat and a light
      • Damia is alive
    • Richard
      • Spends the night peacefully
  • During the night, Damia wakes sitting on her knees in a small cage beside the small girl
    • She tries to get her book and quill out of the cage, but is unable to move her arms due to the cage being small
    • She tries to get as much rest as she can
  • We wake up and try to decide what to do
    • Jonathan suggest
    • Richard suggests lighting a big fire, and trying to distract them and lure them out, or just lighting the windmill on fire
    • We talk about different spells that might help
    • Another idea is to Command them to Polymorph and throw the one of us who gets turned into a frog
    • Ariah has Silence and can cover the two lowest floor
    • Jonathan can create three words or symbols in the air, possibly initiating communication with Damia
    • Richard suggests Jonathan creates an arrow pointing to us so Damia can know where to message us
    • Jonathan can first create faint musical notes, to get Damia's attention
    • Jonathan can disguise himself and
    • Jonathan can find a critical weakness in the wall and Richard can kick the tower down...
    • Richard suggests that we go to the town and get reinforcements. Ireena says that they're not likely to leave the city though
    • Jonathan can talk to the snakes and convince them to help us
    • Jonathan can make a fake recently deceased child
  • To summarise: We try to establish communication with Damia (arrows and feint music). Richard prepares Command and Ariah prepares Silence in case they come out
    • Back up plan A: Throw a rope up to the windmill blades and hoist someone up with the Block and Tackle
    • Back up plan B: Check for weakspots
    • Back up plan C: Jackie Daytona comes to advertise his business
    • Back up plan D: Offer them a (fake) dead kid in echange for Damia
    • Back up plan E: Just tear down everything
  • As we're planning, Damia is woken by someone knocking on her cage with something iron
    • They have a couple of options for her
    • She could become a pie
    • Or she could serve them and help them in their business, but she will have to give up one precious thing of her life
    • They will get a piece of her sanity and mind, and she will be corrupt forever
    • Damia tells them that her friends outside will tell people what they do
    • They tell her that people already know (including that the pies are made of children)
    • They tell Damia that we tried to come for her, and were swiftly dealt with. She has no more friends
    • They give her until breakfast to decide
  • We arrive at the windmill
    • We stealth into the grass, being careful not to group up too much
    • Jonathan starts making arrows inside the wall, in different positions on the third floor, but realizes that it is only 10 ft. range
    • Jonathan checks for weakspots in the windmill. He sees that the tower is old and leaning, and he finds which stones is causing the lean. However, the tower is very sturdy
    • Jonathan disguises himself as a human 'feier' and is prepared to tell them that his kids are going to come up the road to meet him soon
    • He gets the block and tackle out of the bag and Ireena comes over to help throw it up
    • They tie the end around a stone to make it easier to throw
    • Ireena doesn't make it go far enough, but it lands in the grass
    • The second time it hits the rafters before hitting the ground
    • The third time she crits, and throws it perfectly
    • Jonathan is tied securely, and Ireena starts hoisting him up
    • He intentionally swings out of the way, to hide from the second floor
    • He gets up to the third floor and looks in
      • He sees some cages, with a pair of horns sticking out of one of them
      • Then he hears "Oh there you are" before he gets hit with a searing light


Jonathan will take dmg at the start of the next session (He is tied to the block and tackle, so won't fall unless Ireena does). Heal him as fast as possible, but remember that you have Silence on hold, and will lose the spell slot if she doesn't cast it. Richard, Jonathan and Ireena has Aid (+5 max hp) Use the Corrupted Comsumption if possible without hurting the rest.
Report Date
04 Aug 2022


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