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The People of Barovia

“Barovians react to nonhuman characters the same way most humans in the real world would react to an elf, dwarf, or half-orc suddenly walking the streets.”

What Barovians Know About Strahd von Zarovich

  • Strahd von Zarovich is a vampire, and he dwells in Castle Ravenloft. No one is welcome at the castle.
  • The devil Strahd has cursed the land because of a forgotten sin of the Barovians’ ancestors.
  • A vampire can’t enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.
  • Running water burns a vampire like acid, and sunlight causes a vampire to burst into flame.

What Barovian's Know About Barovia

  • Anyone who attempts to leave the land of Barovia begins to choke on the fog. Those who don’t turn back perish.
  • Many strangers have been drawn to Barovia over the past 5 years, but they all die or disappear before long.

Barovian Superstitions

  • Two divine forces watch over the Barovian people: the Morninglord and Mother Night.
  • The Vistani serve the devil Strahd. They alone are allowed to leave Barovia.
  • Never harm a raven, lest ill fortune befall you!
  • To say Strahd’s name could call him upon you. Many villages refer to him as simply the Devil or Devil Strahd and quickly spit at the ground to ward off his magic.
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