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Your Adventures in Barovia

A log of the progress being made in Barovia.

  • 1252

    24 Fivral

    Death House Defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The adventures defeated the evil in Death House after finding themselves trapped in a strange land.

    Death House
  • 1252

    25 Fivral

    Met the Vistani

    The adventures found a Vistani caravan outside of Death House that transported them to Tsar Pool. Bela helped them find a local fortune teller, Madam Eva, that told the adventures how to escape Barovia. While in the Tsar Pool Encampment the adventures learned about a wizard and his group of adventures that were killed the year before.

  • 1252

    26 Fivral

    Traveled to the Village of Barovia

    The Party travels to the Village of Barovia. The town is sparse and filled with many untrusting denizens.

  • 1252

    26 Fivral

    Defeated 2 Ankheg Outside the Village of Barovia
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party went looking for Bildrath's lost shipment when they found two Ankhegs by a ancient stone circle. The party was able to easily defeat their foes.

  • 1252

    27 Fivral

    Agreed to Help Ismark the Lesser Take his Sister to Vallaki

    The party finds a man at the Blood of the Vine Tavern looking for help getting his sister out of town. The party offers to help him but first they need to get his late father to the graveyard.

  • 1252

    27 Fivral

    Killed the Vampire in the Church Basement
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party learns that Donavich's dead son wasn't so much dead but turned into a vampire. After months of keeping his Doru in the basement, Donavich, has lost his mind. The party brings the hungry vampire a horse to drink and they learn that Strahd turned him and sent him to disrupt the holy ground of the church.

  • 1252

    28 Fivral

    First Day on the Road to Vallaki

    • Found Gallows on the road out of town with ancient elvish gravestones 
    • Spent the night at an ancient Delmorian watchtower

  • 1252

    1 Mart

    Second Day on the Road to Vallaki

    • Crossed the Tsar Falls Bridge
    • Fought a vampire on the road that had attacked a caravan
    • Found the old windmill and left that creepy old lady in the dust

  • 1252

    2 Mart

    Third Day on the Road to Vallaki (Discovered the Vistani Camp)

    • Saved a Vistani child from being drown by a crazy fisherman
    • Took the Child to the Vistani camp 
    • Learned about a Tiger stalking the camp

  • 1252

    3 Mart

    Discovered Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party entered Vallaki and got Ireena safely to the Burgomaster's house. The party learned the whereabouts of Van Ricten the monster hunter, learned about a group of revolutionaries in town, stopped a shapeshifter from impersonating Van Ricten, received a dinner invitation from Strahd.