Lighting The Beacon

The Ember:
  • The fireplace (or oven or whatever) is completely soot choked and clogged with piles of ash. However, though the fireplace is obviously long abandoned and shows no recent signs of use, there's a single ember struggling for life among the ash. Upon closer inspection, players can see that the ember sluggishly pulls bits of ash towards itself, as if it knows it won't survive much longer but is unwilling to give up.
  • The Fire Ghost:
  • Once given some fuel, the ember busts to life, growing furiously and assumes the shape of a small dragon with wings made of smoke. The flaming figure also glows a peculiar white-blue and feels cool instead of hot. This is Argynvost's ghost, though it still hasn't gained enough strength to talk. The dragon suddenly takes off, soaring past the players in a flurry of cold air and choking smoke. Players can easily follow the ghost's scorched path upstairs, where it ends in area Q33.
  • A Chat with Argynvost:
  • Once players make it to the third floor, coming from whatever direction their natural progression lead them, they'll absolutely round the corner to see the dragon ghost they rescued. But.... it's not so small anymore. Instead, Argynvost's ghost sits upon the pile of rubble in Q33, dusting the debris beneath his ethereal form with frost, as a massive, imposing dragon. He's not quite his full size as he was in life, but he's certainly more imposing than the little parrot-sized phantom the group saw earlier. The ghost dragon stares intensely at the back of the throne in Q36, where Vladimir Horngaard sits (unknown to the players so far).
  • Even if the players approach stealthily (perhaps in preparation for a fight), Argynvost knows they're there. As they get close, he says, "Hushhh. We must speak, but not here. Come, my dear guests." He then floats/walks through the large doors to his study (Q40). Players can either follow him, or investigate elsewhere. It's really up to them at that point.
  • The Beacon:
  • Argynvost's tomb is located in the tower. Argnyvost begs the PC's to return his skull and restore the beacon to save his order from damnation.