
A moody, jaded young man. A former orphan at the Vallaki Orphanage, Milivoj contributes the bulk of his earnings as the town’s gravedigger toward the care of the other children remaining there. His foster siblings adore him, a relationship that he secretly treasures despite his own misgivings about his self-worth.   Bio: As an orphan with no family, no inheritance, and no education. Milivoj has few prospects. Though Father Lucian has done his best to teach the young man to read and write, Milivoj has stubbornly stuck to his grave-digging job, an occupation that few other Vallakians wish to do. Milivoj bears no fondness for his work, but values the higher wage he earns from the public coffers compared to similar menial labor.   He is also the one who gave a locket to Felix, hoping that it would help the young boy feel more at home in the orphanage. Felix was then possessed and eaten by a demon that presided inside the locket, and Milivoj came down with a terrible illness along the lines of a Bestow Curse spell until the players defeat the demon. It is unknown where he got the locket from or how it arrived in his possession.
Current Location
Year of Birth
718 19 Years old
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white