Victor Vallakovich

The son of Baron Vargas Vallakovich. He hates everything about his family, Vallaki, and Barovia. His parents almost completely neglected Victor as a child. His mother refuses to talk about anything other than crafts and the weather, which furstrates him to no end. victor considers his mother a horrible simpleton that he just wishes would wake up. He would do anything to get out of this dreaded place, has tried and failed to do so.   Baron Vargas Vallakovich has also completely avoided his son over the years. Whenever Vargas looks at Victor, he sees a reflection of him and his father. Vargas is downright terrified that he might hurt his son the way his father hurt him, and so actively avoids any relationship at all with Victor.   As a little boy, Victor felt quite isolated in the world. His parents ignored him and Vallaki itself was very messed up and no one was ever going to do anything about it. As he reached adolescence, that loneliness turned into resentment and gave him a very angry, elitist attitude towards the world. Around this time many years ago, Victor found an Ancient Leather Tome in one of the chests in the attic, and has been using it to learn magic ever since. While his primary goal is to gain magical knowledge and power in the hope of escaping Barovia and leaving his parents to their doom, he uses it for many other things as well, such as surrounding himself with a small herd of cat skeletons he has resurrected over time, and impressing Ismark Kolyanovich with the more flashy and dramatic spells he knows.   As his studies progressed, he took a trio of child-sized mannequins from the attic, dressed them in some of his childhood clothes, and put them in his workroom, where he pretends they are his students. He moves them around from time to time, and makes them stand in the corner when he decides they've done too poorly or misbehaved.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

  • His skeletal cats aren't just experiments, but pets that he genuinely loves and cares for. He "pets" them by stroking his fingers carefully down their spinal column, and they give him very rattly purrs in thanks.
  • He hates his father and pities his mom, but pretends to despite the both of them in an attempt to repress any sympathy he feels for Lydia. It's hard growing up in an abusive house; it does weird stuff to the way you process emotion.
  • He feels genuine remorse over the deaths of their servants and only tried a second time because he truly thought he'd fixed the problem. When he revealed to our aforementioned warlock what he'd done, he quickly broke down in tears.
  • When the church went up in flames during St. Andral's Feast, he used cone of cold to extinguish the fire (but not before he could save his uncle).
  • To better flesh out the political tension in Vallaki, I had Fiona hire the party for a fetch quest. She wanted them to retrieve a ledger, detailing the inhumane punishments Vargas gives his prisoners, from his library; our Victor aided in the party with their heist by sitting down for dinner with his parents for the first time in months. His mom was pretty overjoyed, and the party got in and out with proof of Vargas' misdeeds with no issue.
  • He did experiment on Stella and thus caused her madness, but he's remorseful for that, too. If he gets the opportunity to apologize to Fiona or even Stella herself, he will, but right now, he's too ashamed.
Year of Birth
722 15 Years old
Dyed Amber and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation