Session One: Enter Barovia

General Summary

A party comprised of Landan Waylett, Tali'Ana Windsong, and Vanhill Sign are transported to the land of Barovia against their will. It would seem that some sort of unnatural fog not only brought them to Barovia but has also trapped them in this foreign land.   Almost immediately after arriving, the party discover a deceased human body that clearly died from some sort of animal attack. Investigating the scene, they find a letter clutched in the hand of the deceased with a red wax seal that has the impression of a "B." They open the letter and read it:   Hail thee of might and valor,   I, the Burgermeister of a Barovia, send you honor… with despair.   My adopted daughter, the fair Ireena Kolyana, has been these past nights bitten by a vampire. For over 400 years, this creature has drained the lifeblood of my people. How my dear Ireena languishes and dies from an unholy war caused by this vile beast. He has become too powerful to conquer.   So, I say to you, give us up for dead and encircle this land with the symbols of good. May holy men call upon their power that the devil may be contained within the walls of weeping Barovia. Leave our sorrows to our graves, and save the world from this evil fate of ours.   There is much wealth entrapped in this community. Return for your reward after we are all departed for a better life.   Kolyan Indirovich Burgermeister   Not far from the body, the party sees what appears to be a campfire. Sneaking along the edge of nearby trees, they are able to discover that this is a campsite made up of six tents and four barrel-topped wagons. There are twelve humans sitting around a fire who are all dressed in a similarly, flamboyant fashion. Landan and Tali approach the camp, while Van stays hidden and watches from a distance. The two - uncle and neice - are warmly greeted by one of the campers who identifies himself as Sergei. Landan asks Sergei and his fellow campers several questions about Barovia and learns that it is a land ruled by Lord Strahd von Zarovich. He also learns about the campers who refer to themselves as The Vistani: they are a nomadic people who Lord Strahd allows to live and work freely throughout Barovia.   Eventually, an extremely elderly woman named Madame Eva tells Landan and Tali that she can see the teethers of fate attached to them and they were brought to Baraovia for a destined purpose. She then convinces them to particiapte in a tarroka card reading with her. Before she reads the cards, she surprises Landan and Tali by revealing to them some of their darkest secrets. She tells Tali that no child should ever have to bury their parents. She tells Landan that no one should have to carry the guilt that he carries. Next, Madame Eva removes a deck of tarokka cards from a pouch on her side. She shuffles the cards and begins to pull five, randomly, from the deck. She places them all on a table, face down.   The first card: “This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy.” She turns over the first card and says: “Ah, the 5 of Swords. Look for a den of wolves in the hills overlooking a mountain lake. The treasure belongs to mother night.”   The second card: “This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.” She turns over the second card and says: “The five of coins. I see a dark room full of bottles. It is the tomb of a guild member.”   The third card: “This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.” She turns over the third card and says, “Now, we have the Master of Coins. I see a nest of ravens. There you will find the prize.”   The fourth card: “This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.” She turns over the card and says, “The Beast card. “A werewolf holds a secret hatred for your enemy. Use her hatred to your advantage.”   The fifth card: “Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!” She flips over the final card. “The Raven card. Look to the Mother’s Tomb.”   After the reading, the party reunite and decide to head into the village of Barovia. It's a somber place. No one walks the streets. Only a few lamps are lit in a handful of the fifty or so buildings that comprise this village. Most of the buildings look in disrepair. Searching for a place to stay, the party finds the Blood of the Vine tavern and make arrangements for lodgings for the next week. Here, they meet Ismark Kolyanovich, the son of the Burgermeister who tells Landan that his father died two days ago and that he has had no one to help him bury the body in the local cemetary. He also claims that Srahd has mistreated Barovians for at least as long as he has been alive and that the Vistani receive preferential treatment from the Lord. Because it is late, he agrees to meet the party the next day, either at his home or back at the tavern.   Exposition Dump   Barovia can refer either to the land ruled by Strahd or the village that is located within that land.   The Vistani appear to be able to freely leave and return to Barovia, while the Barovians themselves do not have this luxury.
The Vistani
Madame Eva
Ismark Kolyanovich
Report Date
08 Nov 2023


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