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Curse of the Crimson Throne

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The king is dead! In the Varisian port city of Korvosa, the death of a monarch leads to chaos, and only the PCs can hope to save the city from its own darkest tendencies. As the rule of the young queen grows more and more draconian, it's up to a band of bold adventurers to stop the spread of tyranny before all of Korvosa is crushed beneath her iron fist. In the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, the heroes delve into the depth of urban adventure in order to stop riots, combat a plague, root out organized crime, and rescue political prisoners before escaping to the harsh badlands of the Storval Plateau, where only the friendship of the barbaric Shoanti and a weapon drawn from the heart of a gothic castle can give them the strength to return and depose the evil queen once and for all.  
“Nathan: you pass an old cart pulled by a ragged donkey filled with sickly looking children. Group: Let's get a motive check on those kids. Nathan: they are sick, tiny children. Group: they look suspicious. Rolling for sense motive.”
“I gave you permission to molest me... uh, I mean kill me.”
“So, we meet again.”
“Like I have tried to tell you from the beginning, magic changes everything.”
“Seventy-nine points of damage.”
"Sorry about your school and house." "What happened to my school and house?"
“I guess his heart wasn't in the game.”
“We call Vars “the rock.” Oh, I meant “the falling rock.”
"I'm not really sure I want to help you guys."
“I should probably tell you that I usually kill the entire party at least once.”
“In orc, Gra Kesh means fuck you!”
"We are coming back to this party, and when we do, we won't need an invitation."
"You wake up in a gutter, naked and smelling of cheese."
"The dragon is coming with us, one way or another." Sir Callius Ravyngaard
"Throw him in the bag of holding so we can get out of here."
"Don't worry, we'll lock up when we're finished."
"Somewhere, his mother is crying."
“Sorry, your license to practice medicine has been revoked.”
"You are now twelve feet tall, and have a reach of ten feet. But your pants remain the same size. You have a camel toe."
"Whatever you have planned, if it involves acrobatics it isn't going to work."
"Can I ride you?"
"... and now you’re flanked!”
"You're right. EVERYONE has fear."
"I will keep you out of pity. But you must know that I am stronger than you think."
"I'm told I have a drinking problem. But since the drinking takes care of about three other problems, I figure I'm two problems ahead."

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