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Covered in shiny black feathers the color of oil, possessing a hooked beak and bright pink sclera, bearing a set of grand and terrible wings on their back, and brandishing three-fingered hands ending in talons, the Manngeier's meanacing appearance causes fear in most creatures with functioning eyes. Sometimes refered to as "foul guardians" they serve as extremely effective protectors of heros and similarly important peoples.   Manngeiers are born of a child's fear of the dark, and exist to torment future legendary figures and stop them from achieving their destinies. However, due to the intervention of the trickester god L'mau, the goals of their progenitor god, Nachtpirscher, were subverted, and their intentions twisted into the inverse. Manngeiers, instead of wanting to torment and consume their host, now wish for their host to be safe and healthy.   Ability Score Increase. You increase one Ability Score by 2 and another different Ability Score by 1, or increase three different Ability Scores by 1.   Age. A Manngeier's life force is ireversably bound to their host's; they age at the same rate as their host, and when their host dies, the Manngeier will also die a year and one day after.   Creature Type. You are a Monstrosity, and do not possess a subtype.   Size. Your size is Medium.   Land Speed. You can move 30 feet at haste while grounded.   Carrion Consumer. You body is designed for consumption of exclusively dead and decaying meat. You are immune to disease, have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and have resistance to poison damage. However, if you eat anything other than meat or bones, you become poisoned for 2d4 hour(s).   Grim Visage. Your naturally unsettling appearance makes unnerving people something you are innately skilled at. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.   Grim Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your land speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor (other than a shield), if you're encumbered, or if you have a creature or structure within 5 feet of you. While you are aloft, you have advantage on intimidation skill checks.   Languages. You can speak Geiergesprach and one extra language of your choice. Geiergesprach does not possess a written form, but a Manngeier can learn to read and write at the same time it learns another language, if it so choses. Geiergersparach is an aggressive, grim sounding language, and many Manngeiers speak other languages in the same way.

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