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Stocky and Sturdy, Stouts are a people made of and for crastsmanship. Every Stout alive was crafted through the combined efforts of multiple other Stouts, and have traits that reflect the material they're made of. The magic that animates them allows them to recover from injury the same way other creatures do, baring a few exceptions. This results in a people who are living, breathing works of art.   What would be considered the Dwarves of this world, Stouts - unlike their literary cousins - are cheerful and optimistic and a good touch more accepting of others, and also lack genders entirely due to the nature by which they reproduce. They are similar to their source in the fact that they still possess conservative values such as belief in a monarchy, strongly defending their borders, honoring their ancestors, and taking immense pride in their heritage.   Ability Score Increase. You increase one Ability Score by 2 and another different Ability Score by 1, or increase three different Ability Scores by 1.   Age. Stouts come out of their carvening with the appearance of a fully formed adult, but lack the cultural and technical knowledge that is necessary for a Stout to be considered mature. Stouts generally find themselves to be adults by the age of 21, or just after their "third seven." With preferable weathering patterns and barring any freak accidents, Stouts can live a long, long time. The eldest Stout was recorded to have made it through seventy seven sevens, or just over 539 years.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid with a subtype of Stout.   Size. Stouts range from 3 feet to 6 feet tall, and weigh anywhere between 250 to 2000 pounds, depending on material. Your size is Medium.   Land Speed. You can move 25 feet at haste while grounded.   Low-Light Vision. Your eyes are adapted to seeing in the shadows. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.   Dense. Due to the immense density of your body, you cannot have a swim speed.   Deadly Crush. Due to your sheer weight, falls are an extremely dangerous situation for you - and anyone below you. Instead of regular falling rules, you take 2d6 per 10 feet you fall, up to a maximum of 40d6. If there is a creature under you, the DC to avoid you falling on them increases by 1 for every 10 feet you fall. If you land on them, you split the damage as usual.   Fortune's seven. Stout culture honors the Fortunate Seven, heroic Stouts of legend. That honor empowers all Stouts, including you. When you make a weapon attack roll, if the result on the die is a 7, the attack hits, even if the resulting total does not usually beat the target's armor class.   Inveterate. Your are not Encumbered when you carry weight greater than 5 times your strength score (you are still Heavily Encumbered when carrying weight greater than 10 times your strength score, as usual).   Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.   Tool Culture. When making a skill check with any artisan tool you have proficency with, treat a roll less than 7 as a 7. When you reach 7th level, instead treat a roll less than 14 as a 14. When you reach 14th level, instead level treat a roll less than 21 as a 21.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write two common languages of your choice. Most Stouts can at least speak Cruish, and many also speak either Frosnat or Sapalan, but you are not required to chose any of them for either of your languages.  



Strengthened by the hardness of their material, and protected from it's brittleness by the magic that animates them, Ceramic Stouts are easily the most resilient amongst their kind. They often work through storms and are not easily disuaded from doing things by percieved danger, due to the protection that their material has given them throughout their lives.   Wear Resistance. You have resistance to piercing damage and fire damage.   Ceramic Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with Potter's tools.


The objectively most impressive of the Stouts, Gem Stouts possess great people skills and get along well with just about everyone, so long as they don't want to shatter the Stout into a bunch of pieces for the valuable gems they're made of. Gem Stouts have a difficult call to make when adventuring. They can willingly shatter parts of themselves in order to pay costly spell components, including ones that save lives, but will never regain that piece of themselves. It's a hard choice to make.   Awe-Inspiring. You have proficency with two of the following skills: Deception, Intimidation. Persuasion, or Preformance.   Fortune's Charm. Whenever you make a skill check using Charisma, if the result on the die is a 7, treat the die as though it had rolled a 20. Apply bonuses as normal. (Rolling a 20 on a skill check is not an automatic success.)   Pay In Blood. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you attempt to cast a spell that has a material component that is a gemstone or crushed gemstone, as a reaction, you may expend a hit die and roll it, reduce the number by your constitution modifier, and then lose an amount of maximum Hit Points equal to the final result. After doing so, you recieve the material component for that spell and can provide it to the caster for them to finish the casting. Maximum Hit Points lost this way cannot be recovered through any means short of a wish spell. If your Maximum Hit Point total goes below 1, you die, and only the spells Reincarnate, True Resurrection, and Wish can bring you back to life.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with Jewler's tools.


Considered by many to be the most fragile of the Stouts, Glass Stouts certanly fit the bill. But that's not to say that they're delicate. Glass Stouts possess left-over magic from the ritual that brings Stouts into being, and it is naturally channeled to protect the Glass Stouts from external magics and empower their own magic.   Shatter-Prone. The material out of which you were made is prone to shattering, something you hope to never experience. You are vunerable to damage taken from falling.   Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Magic Fortune. Whenever you make a spell attack roll, if the result on the die is a 7, the attack hits, even if the resulting total does not usually beat the target's armor class.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with Glassblower's tools.


One of the stranger Stouts, Loom Stouts are known for their dexterious capabilities and grip like iron. They are often viewed by outsiders as the dishonorable among Stouts, but Loom Stouts can use their many skills and abilities for more than just crime, and make for great bouncers, explorers, and disaster rescuers.   Smothering grasp. You have advantage on skill checks made to innitiate and maintain a grapple, as well as with skill checks made to escape a grapple. As a bonus action, while grappling a creature, you may choose to smother it for the duration of the grapple or until you spend a bonus action to end the smother. While smothered, that creature is unable to fulfill the verbal requirements of spells, and cannot speak.   Sneaky. You have proficency in the Stealth skill and Sleight-of-hand Skill.   Slithering Cloth. While you are not wearing armor or carrying a shield and not heavily encumbered, you have advantage on Stealth skill checks and can fit through gaps as small as the largest thing you're carrying or one inch, whichever is greater. You still must squeeze to fit through these gaps, as usual.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with Weaver's tools.


The most determined of the Stouts, Metal Stouts aserve key roles as protectors like Stone Stouts, however, unlike Stone Stouts who defend, Metal Stouts are all about attacking. Literally forged to excel with their weapon of choice and being able to take a beating, Metal Stouts are among the most fearsome warriors in the world... With a key flaw that keeps their power in check; A severe fear of all water.   Rust-Prone. The magic that animates you makes you prone to rust, and for anyone that asks, you can confidently say it's an incredibly uncomfortable and horrifying experience. For every hour you spend directly exposed to wet conditions, such as in an ocean, river, rain, or other similar conditions, you suffer one level of exhaustion.   True Weaponmaster. Pick one weapon type you have proficency with. You can add double your proficency bonus to attacks made with weapons of that type. Whenever you gain an ASI, you can move this bonus to a different weapon type you have proficency with.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with smith's tools.


Being the first of the Stouts to be born into this world, Stone Stouts are the 'older brothers' of their people, often taking up protector roles and being the most likely to jump to a friend's defense, wether from physical attack or verbal. They are also the most affected by the legends of the Fortunate Seven, drawing even greater power from the stories.   Fortune's Inspiration. Whenever you make a weapon attack roll, if the result on the die is a 7, you score a critical hit.   Protector. If you are within 5 feet of an ally targeted by an attack or being subjected to an effect that targets only them, before knowing if the attack would hit or if the target would fail their save, you may use your reaction to become the target of the attack or effect instead. If you do so, if it was an attack, the attack hits irregardless of if the result would beat your AC or not, and if it was an effect you automatically fail the save against that effect.   Stalwart Step. Difficult Terrain does not cost you extra movement if you're using your land speed. Aditionally, if an effect would incur forced movement upon you, it moves you half the distance it normally does. As a bonus action, you may prevent all forced movement that would be incurred upon you until the start of your next turn.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with mason's tools.


Embracing the role nature has in life, Wood Stouts enjoy the call of birds, the sound of water in a creek, and the smell of nature. They are easily the lighest of step amongst their people, and thus the magic that allows Stouts to move actually makes them as fast as most other peoples. Of their kind, Wood Stouts get along with the Alphs best.   Land Speed. You can move 30 feet at haste while grounded, instead of the regular 25 feet for Stouts.   Float. While submerged in water, you can start to float as a bonus action. While floating, you rise to the surface at a rate of 60 feet per round, and remain there half submerged. While floating, creatures can use you as a float for an amount of weight equal to twice your weight, if that weight is surpassed you start to sink until that weight is removed. You still do not have a swim speed and thus cannot move yourself while floating. As a bonus action, you can stop floating, causing yourself to sink at a rate of 60 feet per round.   Nature's Recovery. When you take a short rest and spend any number of hit die, you may chose to take the highest value possible for each die, rather than roll. Additionaly, spells target only you and roll at least one die to determine hit points restored instead restore the maximum possible amount to you.   Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with woodcarver's tools.

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