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Partialy scaled skin and slightly strange porportions mark the Wyrmians. A people borne of the worship of waring gods, who now attempt to burry the hatchet, fix the broken pieces, and form functioning society with their fellow countrymen away from the senseless fighting. Each group being punished for their refusal of their gods' demands for bloodshed, they must learn to live a life that is both free, yet shackled.   Ability Score Increase. You increase one Ability Score by 2, or increase two different Ability Scores by 1.   Age. Wyrmians mature at the same rate as humans did, but stop aging soon after reaching 30, only starting again after 100 years, at which point they start to age very rapidly and pass not long after 110 years old at the absolute latest.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid with a sub-type of Wyrmian.   Size. Wyrmians are beings of extremes, With some quite small and others very large in size. Your size is dictated by the sub-lineage you chose.   Land Speed. You can move 30 feet at haste while grounded.   Wyrmsteel Scales. Wyrmians posess special scales over their forearms and legs. These scales, known as Wyrmsteel scales, are nigh-impenetrable. So long as you're not wearing a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.   Restraining Halos. Magical artifacts willingly worn to prevent their gods from forcing them to fight, Restraining halos limit Wyrmian's powers, but also their capacity to be controlled by others. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Scales and in another common language of your choice. Scales, the language of the Eldergreatwyrm, has a dialect for each of the Wyrmian sub-lineages, which were each born from worship of one of the five Greatwyrms, godly sons and daughters of the Elderwyrm whom bicker and fight endlessly amongst each other for the favour of their progenitor.



Magnificent and terrible, the people of the Grandcrown Greatwyrm are beings of great size, strength, and brutality. Though not able to weild larger weapons due to the halos on their arms, they make great use of the regularly sized ones. Now known for their everpresent slouch, fluid movement, and propensity for verbose speech, a Grandcrown is not easily missed in a crowd.   Size. Grandcrowns are hulking avatars of size and majesty, and easily the largest of the Wyrmians, ranging from 7 to 9 feet tall. Your size is large. However, you can still only wield weapons sized for medium creatures without incuring disadvantage.   Flexible Stature. You can squeeze into spaces large enough for medium sized creatures without suffering any of the associated penalties.


Small in stature, but great in hunger, Gyremaws are voratious eaters that once could consume whole buildings with one bite of their endlessly hungry jaws. Bearing halos upon their neck, Gyremaws must now work to eat rather than consume without heed of those who suffer from it. Now known for their sharp tongue, waddling way of walking, and somewhat excessive optimism, Gyremaws are heard long before they are seen.   Size. Gyremaws are small forms with massive appetites, between 2-and-a-half and 3 feet tall. Your size is small.   Bite. You can make a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack with which you are proficent. It deals 1d6+Str piercing damage on a hit. Once per turn, When you hit with this attack, you may gain Temp HP equal to the damage dealt, rounded down. You do not need a free hand to make this attack.


Once walking silhouettes of light, Iridecents are now comparatively shadows of their former selves. Once able to fire beams of radiant destruction with complete disregard, now that they bear halos around their chest, Iridecents must burn their own life energy to use the same power they once used so nonchalantly. Now known for their stiff posture, gloomy disposition, but absolute confidence in their friends, Iridecents are the ones that cheer the loudest for anyone but themselves.   Size. Iridecents are fairly average in build, bearing the strongest resembalance to their human ancestors. Your size is medium.   Ray of Chroma. As an action, you can fire off a beam of Chromatic light from your chest in a 20 foot line. Expend a number of hit die up to your proficency bonus, roll them, double the result, then each creature within that line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus), taking radiant damage equal to the result on a failed save, or half that amount on a success.


What were once experts in searching and destroying, with none able to escape their pinpoint hearing, are now nearly a blind people. Bearing halos around their ears, and with the cloudy eyes that were always a result of their connection to the Resonant Greatwyrm, their ability to find is not reduced in accuracy, but in scope. Now known for their glasses with thick lenses, analytical minds, and quiet speech, Resonants have had had the least trouble integrating themselves into other communities, as they were the least destructive of their people.   Size. Resonants are pretty close to average, if a bit taller at 6 to 7 feet tall. Your size is medium.   Soundvision. So long as you are not deafened, you have blindsight out to a range of 60 feet, along with your regular vision for the same distance. Beyond this range you are effectively blind.


Once able to fire off multiple spines with the accuracy of a lifelong archer, and with a bloodlust to match, Spinetails weren't the most dangerous, but they were the most feared, as their piercing projectiles would often find their targets through the bodies of innocents. Though their spine slinging tail has been reduced to a spear through the binding powers of the halos, they're still greatly feared amongst other peoples. Still known for their deadly tail, but now known for their adversity to eye-contact and their strong sense of drive, Many peoples are still wary of their percieved danger to others.   Size. Spinetails are a little short at 4 to 5 feet tall, but have long, spike tipped tails that, if measured from head to tail-tip, makes them just as long as Grandcrowns.   Spine Spear. You can make a Spine Spear attack, which is a ranged weapon attack with which you are proficent. It has a range of 15 feet and no long range, and deals 1d6+Dex piercing damage on a hit. The first time this attack hits each turn, you may immediately make another Spine Spear attack against a different target. You do not need a free hand to make this attack.

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