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Fennec Clothing

Rupeean styles of dress, developed in their arid and unforgiving home, have been exported and adapted wherever the Fennecs have travelled.
Almost all Rupeean clothing is 'smart' in one way or another. Despite the lightness of the fabric, features such as kinetic impact dispersal, low-dosage anaesthetic injection and basic medical diagnostic trackers are common. Cyborgs, or rather individuals with medical augmetics, may also use means of interfacing their implants with their clothing for additional functionality as suits their tastes.  


Everyday or indoor clothes are made with light, breathable fabrics. The selection of fabric tends towards what in Terran circles is considered feminine, being soft and forgiving towards sensitive skin. Paler colours often dominate, especially above the waist, with pastels being considered more tasteful than bright colours or snow white.   Above the waist, shirts, tunics and long blouses dominate the landscape of fashionable clothing and as styles tend to blend together. Formal clothing tends to be better fitted, and to feature more elaborate collars. Below the waist, trousers, pants and leggings have all maintained their use in correlation with other human and posthuman societies.   Because the Fennec body type is less sexually dimorphic than baseline humans and tends towards a tomboyish build, gender roles by clothing are not obvious. Male shirts or tunics are slightly shorter at the hem and tighter at the collar, emphasising broader shoulders, while female shirts have a larger, rounder collar or neckline.   Masculine pants or leggings are a tighter, more tailored fit, with looser pants or split skirts being considered more feminine. However these roles tend to be blended in younger populations.   Belts over innerwear is fairly common, especially with traditional or formal dress. Belts are always worn with self-supporting pants and have no impact on keeping the clothes on, instead being used to accentuate/disguise the wearer's figure. Belts are also used to carry essential personal effects such as wallets in incorporated pouches or holsters, leaving the bulk of traditional innerwear free from pockets.
Older, traditionalist Rupeeans consider pockets on tunics to be a sign of infection by foreign ideas of practical personal attire - a true Polar Fennec will carry everything inside their cloak, in a set of slim... pockets.  


Outdoor clothes are based on course, hard-wearing fabrics and usually showcase the Fennec respect for bare utility. The ubiquitous cloak usually fills this role, and in more hazardous situations is worn over the top of tougher overalls.   Where there are overalls, they often have hi-vis or contrasting light/dark colours to aid in visibility. The overalls often incorporate ballistic plate cariers for additional personal protection, and also come plastered with external pockets, annoying the cloak purists further.   Styles in overalls range from plain and workmanlike to gaudy and self-conscious to all-black militaria. Protective features range from impact-dispersal smart clothing of a heavier grade to heavy plate carriers or even responsive personal shield generators.
Combining outerwear and a heavy external cloak is associated with Duners, who count a hardy pragmatism among their highest traditons.  

Thermal Cloaks

The thermal cloak is the most iconic sign of Fennec culture, adopted by foreigners visiting their worlds and exported anywhere their populations and expats gather. Weatherproof, heat-retaining, resistant to cut or puncture, the cloak developed from a multi-purpose travelling cloak.   The primary purpose of the thermal cloak is, as the name suggests, to protect the wearer from the severe swings in temperature incurred by Rupee Quay's harsh sun and long nights. The cloak spans from shoulders to feet, and also features a spacious hood for protecting the fennec's ears from heat loss. Internal pockets are a common but not guaranteed feature, and in some styles of cloak are simply vestigial.   Cloaks are traditionally a plain brown, tan or mustard colour, but other colours/patterns exist for commercial or fashion purposes. Fancier-coloured cloaks are the mark of a poseur, or of a foreigner's cultural ineptitude. On the oceanic world of Tarii, grey cloaks are favoured, often with sparse reflective strips to aid visibility in fog or spray.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Owning Organization


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