Hurricane Squadrons in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Hurricane Squadrons

The juvenile organic starships budded by Storm of Leaves via her hull, her onboard strike complement and from a certain perspective, her children. Though less than a year old by conventional metrics, they are all maturing quickly thanks to a ready supply of nutrient-rich materials and suspected (if never proven) after-effects of being created from a Void Walker.   The two 4-craft squadrons function as small family units, filled with petty rivalries and in-jokes and squabbles that Storm finds herself drawn into. Though already mentally developed to a sophont state, the Hurricanes are inexperienced and emotionally immature as the children of many other species are. That they are months-old, clearly alive and yet being employed as soldiers is an ethical breach no bioship appears willing to address...   As products of a storm, the Hurricanes bear names related to winds, based on Kitsune cultural memories of a very old Terran language. For the sake of avoiding tedium, the full names are often shortened into nicknames.   (this document will expand as more of the Hurricanes' personalities and internal relationships are known. -Vic)    

Hurricane 1

Hurricane 1-1 Akikaze "Aki"
Lesser Parasite stage - Guardian type
A budding con artist and amateur trader. Rumour has it she is one lucky deal away from cornering the market in AIU-made explosive bolts   Hurricane 1-2 Yukaze "Yuke"
Lesser Parasite stage - Undifferentiated
Calm, unambitious and unusually observant. Tends to be led around by her sisters on various adventures or schemes. Might have spent too much time talking to Captain Laancir Val Siil Autumn of the Labyrinth.   Hurricane 1-3 Nokaze "Nock"
Lesser Parasite stage - Guardian
Though not the oldest or largest, takes an intensely personal responsibility for the wellbeing of the ships in both squadrons.   Hurricane 1-4 Tachikaze "Tachi"
Lesser Parasite stage - Aggressor
Bomber and heavy weapons enthusiast. Has been known to try to double down on missiles and BPL mines.  

Hurricane 2

Hurricane 2-1 Okikaze "Oki"
Lesser Parasite stage - Undifferentiated
Flighty and uncertain of herself, sometimes shy, but stubbornly loyal to her squadron.   Hurricane 2-2 Shimakaze "Shima"
Lesser Parasite stage - Visitor
A would-be tourist, fascinated by the world in atmosphere and always finding excuses to take suborbital excursions.   Hurricane 2-3 Shiokaze "Shy"
Lesser Parasite stage - Guardian
Has famously bad luck, but somehow finds a way to make bad luck work out for her. Is convinced she is either blessed or cursed by the gods.   Hurricane 2-3 Hokaze "Hoke"
Lesser Parasite stage - Visitor
A committed athlete, adept at alcubierre swooping techniques and pushing herself to achieve high accelerations.


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