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Jusarraa Bandir and Nakhaath

Part of the Uen Imperial Protectorate

Tidal world. Population 80 Mn.
  The effective trade gateway towards the Arkens, Karquati and FLIS worlds, named for its old association as a staging post for expeditions towards Tomb Space. This system is less historically significant than its opporite number Caalbiiri but is steadily growing and since its inception has been adapted for a convoy system of trade.   Jump staging locations are served by their own station complexes, naval stations stand by to offer protection to incoming and outgoing vessels, and a thicket of surveying and navigation stations send out periodic science missions to update subspace mapping or pick tentatively at the edges of the deadly and enigmatic Tomb Space. There is even a Lanzian warband known as Bosphorin that has set up in the area and opened a mercenary company, ready to test the courage of would-be pirates and make easy money along the way.   Today Jusarraa is more a convoy staging point than an independently flourishing system, but retains one habitable planet. Nakhaath is small, relatively low gravity, tidally locked, scorched to near uninhabitability even for Rupeeans and is overwhelmingly humid and rain-prone. Most inter-system traffic tends to avoid the world, but the rain-slick twilight of the habitable area holds an austere charm of its own. Cosy rest stops, restaurants and astroengineering wholesalers huddle along swift-flowing rivers and the occasional placid canal.   As foreign influence into Jusarraa deepens and settles, local culture shifts in turn. Large enclaves of other species, especially the Arkens and some of the now member factions of the FLIS, are well represented in the system's population and their tastes and backgrounds have mixed wildly. Nakhaath is fast developing a reputation for bold fusion cuisine that blends Rupeean and Arken street foods, Cercerisian home cooking, Terranovan high cuisine and more...


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