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Kab Bandir

Part of the Uen Imperial Protectorate

An almost unoccupied system, traditionally a military patrol hub due to its plentiful supply of fusion fuels and vulnerable position on a direct route to Rupee. Kab took up prominance due to fears of Vaiaelon raiding parties from Chiark who would have had an unbroken and economical route directly into the Rupeean gravity well. Over time, military assets from across the rimward side of Rupeean space would come to overlap with or pass through Kab to improve its perceived defensive role and an on-site refuelling industry developed to suit them.   Unusually for a garrison world, Kab has no bastion stations or fixed defences beyond a handful of painstakingly maintained minefields. The entire system is intended to be defended by the large number of warships operating there, and to be abandoned against unfavourable odds rather than accept a attritional battle the enemy can predict to create. There are plenty of secondary bases and supply caches to be found in surrounding systems after all.   Often used as a naval training station and ad-hoc military academy, to keep the garrison busy if nothing else. Exercises and naval drills in the system are common, and new crews (including those suspiciously well versed in commerce raiding) are brought through the system to learn what passes for military discipline and naval etiquette in Fennec circles. Even in times of war, there is always something happening in Kab, and it always bears the tan and gold livery of the Rupeean navy.


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