KRS Spirnia Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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KRS Spirnia

A tapering conical hull with large plasma radiator masts, sensor arrays, and laser ball turrets across her surface. Also features drop tanks.


6x 5m aperture pulsed UVASER turrets
8x 2m twin-aperture pulsed UVASER turrets
6x Aurora anti-ship missile launchers, 90 missiles total magazine capacity


License built KIR shields
Multi-layer hull armor, offering moderate defenses against most weapon types.
All laser mounts can operate in missile intercept mode


8 electronic warfare mounts
28 fire control trackers
8 infrared search telescopes
4 frontal phased array radars

Power generation and storage

1 Catalyzed deuterium-deuterium fusion reactor with neutron breeding
4 auxiliary fuel cell generators
Emergency batteries with 72 hour endurance


5x Type 9 helium3 torch drives
32x RCS clusters
12x Quantum Superposition Drives

Other notable features

As a post-first contact design, ships of the class feature an area of some guest quarters and meeting rooms for hosting other species on the ship. These spaces being carved out of two standard height decks surrounding them at around a 3m clearance, while the rest of the ship has a standard 1.5m deck clearance. The class also has hardpoints for 8 hydrogen drop tanks to extend endurance.

2 heavy shuttles
2 light shuttles or 2 Scorpion fighters

Strengths and weaknesses

Strong forward firing and sensor arcs
Aft blind spot in sensor and weapons coverage
Long endurance
Average durability
Lacks kinetic artillery

Heavy cruiser
Commanding officer
Captain Kalpir
Karqwati Republic of Worlds
433 m long
93 m wide
by Reddert


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