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Rupeean Finance and Banking

Financial Sector

    The Fennecs have a smallish financial sector at the moment, after the Cartel Era turned most of their economic systems into concentric systems of scams and schemes that rapidly demolished trust in remaining systems. Postwar reforms have also pulled a lot of resources into physical infrastructure rather than aiding the development of a revitalised financial sector, seeking to make a civilisation that's robust and healthy if not rich. As a result Rupeean economic systems remain small-scale, fragile and parochial but mask a set of local economies that comfortably meet the needs of their populations.

Banking System

    Banks in the UIP are Clan-owned and -run, and medieval discriminatory laws forbid the already wealthy trader guilds (now the Landship Guilds) from operating as banks or lending houses. Most of the time they find ways to ignore this, such as buying out a minor clan to put their name on a Guild's bank to avoid the letter of the law. It's still a sore point tho, and seen as one of the ways the Clans find avenues of priviledge to kick down at the Guilds.   While each internal polity has its own national bank, the currency Req (literally translated, "water ration") is centrally minted and backed across Fennec space. Coordination comes down to a handful of Crown officials, who take up the duty of corraling and coordinating the squabbling national-level banks of Clan authorities. Economic sanction is sometimes regarded as a suitable form of solving disputes, and it's up to the Crown to remaind everyone that they are fighting over the same reserve currency.   Since Req is backed by the price and availability of potable water, clans also have a tendency to try to become water barons when not beaten into submission by global or imperial oversight or had sense imposed on them by their citizens. Luckily, the Clans get along enough to coordinate basic administration but don't trust one another enough to create or sustain cartels that would impact their own countrymen and relatives - for one, its hard to forget that a lack of Req quite literally means a lack of water to survive on.

Private Investment and Dividends

    Most wealthier Rupeeans given the current circumstances are either profiting from well-concealed reserves gained during the Cartel Era, seen by many as little more than blood money, or are linked to their Clan leadership and can bend their pseudo-nation's wealth a little in their own direction. Prospective investors are therefore treated with much more caution than is reasonable elsewhere in the Trailward Stars.   Foreign investment has often been shunned by the Crown. A popular theory links foreign money and international trade to the widespread criminal infiltration of Rupeean power structures, and a foreign organisation trying to buy into untapped economic activity is seen as reminscent of the bad old days. There are ways for would-be financiers to break into the Rupeean markets, and the Landship Guilds see absolutely no problem with spreading trade lanes into foreign space regardless, but there does remain a significant barrier to entry particularly around the homeworld.   What affects the majority of Rupeean space has been much less significant in the other highly developed systems of Rasaan and Tarii, and even in the less significant Curieal. There business as usual for much of the Cartel Era had been possible only by seeking greater connections outside of Rupeean borders, and the local markets there are ready to accept both domestic and foreign investment.   The enduring truth of Rupeean individualism is that "I survive so that we can succeed". Rather than seeking individual achievement in all things, it is common to see a portion of company dividends turned back to the employees to better fulfill their needs and reward collectively high performance. Investing in a Rupeean company tends to offer weaker payouts but is a lot more reliable, with corporate leaders seeking the responsibility of smoothing out boom/bust cycles and enduring hardship intact.


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