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Sabre class cruiser

The iconic Rupeean warship, and part of the three largest warship classes that define the UIP's doctrine, the Sabre is a mobile and agile weapons platform developed to resist considerable enemy fire and describe a comparatively large threat envelope. As one of the first successful designs implemented by the Imperial Protectorate and the core of its new-model navy, the Sabre set the standard for future naval development.

While excellent at protecting allies and bullying enemy escorts, it is not the Sabre's place to engage a peer opponent unsupported and the vessel will struggle to harm capital-scale enemies unless its commander is particularly wily.


10x2 x 90cm rail missile launchers, coilgun-assisted missile projectors in large turreted mounts offering engagement of strikecraft or escort sized targets at reasonable range. Typically equipped with variable fuse copper-canister or bomb-pumped laser (BPL) warheads, but can fire certain Commonwealth guided missile munitions.
130 x PL1 'Sternguard' dual-purpose laser turrets variable-wavelength pulsed-fire point defence weapons with respectable firepower when massed and effective out to lightsecond range.
7 x Independent fire director/sensor turrets in Sternguard mounts, dedicated sensor systems forming the core of the vessel's point defence datalink and interception network.
144 x energy projection mines (large bomb-pumped lasers in passively stealthed platforms, plus 12 detection/acquisition units mounted in individual mine chassis)


130 x PL1 'Sternguard' dual-purpose laser turrets (as described above)
8 x 'Hardlight' holographic energy shields, utilising pseudocaptured photonic energy to absorb lasers or disintegrate particles
Gravimetric Lattice Plating armour, heat-resistant ceramic armour containing particles of gravity-altering Cavorite in a peizoelectric matrix optimised for defeating kinetic weapons. Additional plating amidships to account for nearby dense ammunition stowage.


Passive and active broad-field EMdar optimised for infrared, microwave and radio wavelengths. Using the fire director turrets as supplemental directional sensors, can track points of interest and monitor multiple disparate sectors independently.
3 x Arrayed graviresistometric samplers (monitors gravity wells and mass shadow distortions with considerable accuracy, but with nearly no field of view)


Sector-standard broadcast and tightbeam lightspeed communications array.
Functional FTL downlink and uplink ansibles with intermediate range, modelled after TeSDiR FTL communications technology.

Power generation and storage

6 x Muon-initialised gravithermal fusion reactors with integrated capacitor banks and reserve power storage


4 x Primary gravimetric motive units, mounted outboard in 100 m cantilever pylons
10 x Manoeuvring gravitmetric motive units, mounted outboard in 60 m cantilever pylons

Other notable features

4 Landing/cargo pads for shuttle handling or docking, distributed around the ship.
Internal workshop for repair and replacement of non-critical components, which can operate supplemental to the Estoc support cruiser for full repairs of battle damage.
A complement of skilled sailors can always be made available for 'creative salvage operations' should the opportunity arise.
Outboard storage available as with similar vessels, 16 x docking points amidships for Rupeean standard shipping crates. Offers high volume storage for materials that do not need frequent access or ship's protection.
Well-stocked internal biodecks, serving as both the typical Fennec oxygen garden and a source of supplemental rations. Without an artificial oasis of this type, it is not known how the crew might remain professional.

Strengths and weaknesses

Very large for its role, which is served by a destroyer or large frigate in more rationalised navies.
Agrav based manoeuvring offers poor thrust/weight ratio, but is reactionless and offers omnidirectional vectoring of 'thrust' for evasive patterns and defensive actions.
Weapons systems are optimised for small or unarmoured craft, but struggles against similarly sized warships.
The famous Rupeean secondary battery lasers are relatively long-ranged and capable of servicing a large number of incoming contacts... and can always be turned upon warships that get too close.
Protection against particle weapons is notably lacking, due to the otherwise effective shielding and armour schemes.
by Victoria
Typical Role
Flotilla leader; escort and peer for the Falchion heavy cruiser
Light cruiser
Place of origin
Exclusively Rupeean semi-commercial yards
Present in 215 active naval squadrons, plus picket and miscellaneous duties
780 m
321 (Often operates with 300-330)


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