Sputnik-class Dreadnought Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Sputnik-class Dreadnought

cVWRP Hull Infocard
      RPer Name: Maya the Harpy
Name: Sputnik
Size: 650m
Classification: "Dreadnaught"
-2x Spinal Railguns
-2x23inch Double Barrel Coilgun Turrets
-4x16 Inch Double Barrel Coilgun Turrets
-8x9inch Single Barrel Duel Purpose Coilgun Turrets
-12x 2 Missile Tubes
-4x Orion Tubes   Defenses
-4inches of Composite
-ERA covering vital Spots
-2x Magi-Shield
-12x50cal Duel Point Defense Turrets   Sensors:
-Mana Sensors   Power generation and storage
  -4 Fusion Reactors
-12 Mana Batteries   Propulsion
-9 Fusion-Ion Drives Other notable features   -22x Drone Fighters
-5x Flight Combat Units
-1x Flight AWACS Unit   Strengths and weaknesses
-Decent in all Roles
-Rather Low tech   Appearance
-A Sleekish Meets ISS Spaceship


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