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Tarii Bandir

Part of the Uen Imperial Protectorate

A core system of the UIP, and the only Rupeean world with significant oceans.
  Oceanic, temperate world. Population 3.5 Bn.
Notable Industries - food, medicines, offworld tourism and mixed maritime industries. A major provider of experienced starship crews for civilian (and often enough, illicit) enterprises.
  What to other species might seem a paradise planet of clear oceans punctuated by lush forested archipelagos, was to the first Rupeean settlers a frigid, crowded hellscape of disorienting noise and colour. The oldest settlements were founded by quite literally burning some large islands to the bare soil with copious jet fuel. Tarii was quickly suspected to be a planet deliberately seeded with a human-compatible biosphere millenia ago, although no sign of intelligent life on the planet has ever yet been found.
  Finding themselves on a planet with more liquid water than they could fully process, settlers on Tarii discovered they could modify landship design principles to create perfectly serviceable water-going vessels. As a result, the Landship Guilds (original name retained) that developed among settlers soon came to engulf the entire population and became an interconnected network of vast, culturally and economically competing structures that mirror the great Clans of the homeworld.
  Today the system is the most significant trading power in Rupeean space, and its tiny island-based Guilds stretch deep into space through freight enterprises and bustling waystations scattered through the central Trailward Stars. Tariian Rupeeans, identifiable by their grey or faintly blue thermal cloaks, are technically minded and cosmopolitan but tend to be clannish and jealously loyal to their Guild. Travelling far and seeking regular routes to follow, they are often the first fennecs encountered by those in other species.
  Tarii joined the Imperial Protectorate only after Rasaan did so, and after it was clandestinely confirmed that the mother system was stable enough for their liking. For the purposes of political expediency, the "land-holding" Landship Guilds of Tarii and its dependent worlds have been granted Clan status by the Imperial Protectorate.
Solar System
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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