Terminus Geographic Location in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Part of the Tri-Star Commonwealth

A core system of the Tristar Commonwealth, containing the significant gas giant Leviathan.   While the G-type star Terminus might not be anything special, the rest of the system… to say the least, is, unique. In the system reside three gas giants, one, Leviathan, with rings and a single ice giant. Two gas giants had habitable worlds before Landfall, and incredibly, two of them reside in the same gas giant system with and both in a horseshoe orbit with each other, which is a unique setup to say the least. Each of these worlds has life very distantly related to each other.   The number of moons and the amount of material in the gas giants make this a valuable system to reside in. The worlds are already being tapped for resources, despite the harsh conditions in accessing them. Another notable thing would be the harvesters and shipyards working on Terminus’ worlds around the clock.   Life has been made far safer since Landfall.   This system has a total of eighteen billion people living in it.
Solar System
Owning Organization


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