TNSV Ranger In Far-Flung Suns Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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TNSV Ranger In Far-Flung Suns

Totally not a battlecruiser


-2x reloading heavy launchers, carrying heavy missiles with extreme range, penaids, and multiple submunitions.
-8x twin-gun ultra-relativistic lances, firing beams of ultra-relativistic particles that cause immense mechanical, thermal, and radiation damage to medium-to-large targets. Energy mounts do not share the mode switch capability of lances Generation III torchships can mount, locked to continuous fire.
-8x twin-gun kinetic drivers, firing guided shells at c-fractional velocities. Shell types range from grapeshot to solid-shot to droplet penetrator. Compatible with Rupeean warship rail missiles.
-32x frequency-agile lasers, optimized for rapid traverse and accuracy for primarily defensive purposes.
-336x Tactical missile launchers, carrying a variety of (mostly) nuclear missile designs.


-32x frequency agile lasers (as described above)
-Multi-layer protective shield scheme, consisting of gravitic shields and particle barriers.
-Cruiser grade actively cooled nanofactured composite armor.

Sensors and EW

-Multi-band AEGSA emitter/receiver plates integrated into the hull, capable of performing simultaneous detection, tracking, and electronic warfare functions across multiple frequencies ranging from radio to optical. May also optionally serve as an improvised but viable close-in-weapons-system.
-Active superluminal trackers.
-Passive hard-radiation telescopes for tracking the hard-radiation emissions of torchships.
-Mass shadow sensors, capable of detecting mass growl at superluminal speeds.
-Full adaptive EW suite, capable of reasonably good signature smearing, defensive, and offensive jamming.


-Communications arrays suitable for a similarly sized warship.

Power generation and storage

-7x impulse drives, with power generation provided by drive taps. Incredibly high power output per fuel unit. (otherwise as described below)
-4x secondary fusion plants for additional or backup power.
-2x backup fission piles, used for cold restarts.
-Superconducting energy storage arrays


-7x impulse drives, with thrust vectoring provided by field-nozzles. Utilizes grav-coils with cavorite to amplify the power and thrust output in defiance of conservation of mass-energy. Incredibly high thrust and specific impulse.
-Special boosted anti-grav array. Not quite dedicated impeller drives, however are capable of moderate lateral thrust.
-Reaction control systems and conventional antigravs, far less powerful than main thrusters.
-Commonwealth hyperdrive systems, derived from communications ansibles.

Other notable features

-Notably large strike-bays capable of carrying quite a few drones of various types. Not as large as a dedicated carrier.
-Plasma radiator arrays to handle excess heat load during battle.
-Large mass ratio, bunkerage, ammunition reserves, and provisions due to nature as a cruiser torchship.
-Ramscoop sets appropriate for a similarly sized warship, capable of extending the endurance of the fuel supply.

Strengths and weaknesses

-Drone complement for the strike bays capable of being a powerful asset for a variety of support tasks.
-Surprisingly long endurance during combat due to provisions as a cruiser torchship.
-Defense capability and armament befitting of a cruiser.
-While decently maneuverable and fast, suffers compared to Generation III Commonwealth warships due to lower thrust-to-mass ratio.
-Less difficult to hit thanks to lessened maneuverability and size.

Pioneers To Distant Stars class
Generation II Heavy Cruiser Torchship
Hull of
Tri-Star Commonwealth
~800 m long
~125 m wide and tall
~5,000,000 t


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