Vaiaelons Species in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Vaiaelons, or 'Lons, are a foxlike alien species and the main race of the VWP.

Basic Information


They are a canine species leaning moreso towards vulpine than lupine. Their limbs are rather long and appear thin in relation, though are actually about the same thickness as a human's. Their legs are double jointed in a 2 : 1 : 1 ratio of length distribution. They have two pairs of eyes. Ears come out pointed from the back of the head. Fur is longer between the ears, giving the impression of hair. Their pelt colour has several racial variations. (Greyish white from most of Aruz, orange from near the equator.) Average height of 2.4m. Their tails grow as naturally as hair and needs to be shortened every now and again. Fast breeders. The average lifespan is currently around 120 Aruz years (~190 standard stellar cycles)
Spoken Language:
Karrashta (or simply “Vaiaelon” in galactic standard). Orally it is impossible to learn by species unable to hear higher frequencies, due to its frequent use of them. This has led to many misunderstandings of vastly different words sounding the same to other species.


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