N'varian Ethnicity in Zilithel | World Anvil


N'varians are those who reside in the Kingdom of N'varo. As N'varo is mostly a desert kingdom its laws are strict, and they are militaristic.


Major language groups and dialects

The speaking majority is common, orcish, and goblin.

Culture and cultural heritage

The culture is militaristic as resources are scarce and each day is earned. Towns are mostly a collective of tribes that agree to trade resources and protect one another. Should there be no reason to follow this towns usually disperse and scavenged.

Shared customary codes and values

Survival of the fittest is the core rule among N'varians but if resources allow then they must try to improve the nation for all.

Common Dress code

The most common outfit is thin, transparent clothes to resist the arid heat. It is combined with thicker cloth to protect vital areas, modesty, and provide cover from the sun.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In most nations cannibalism and slavery are not accepted or allowed. However in N'varo slavery is fully legal and cannibalism is legal but frowned upon.

Coming of Age Rites

When children become old enough they are gathered together and have non-lethal duels. This determines the role they'll have in the tribe. Those who do well are groomed to become leaders. Those who do poorly become crafters or hunters. Those who don't win any duels become exiled and are banished from the tribe as they can't protect it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When someone dies they are strip of all possessions before being left out in the open for vultures or other wildlife to feast off of. Little time is spent mourning the dead and instead spent celebrating their life. Usually with a feast if resources allow if no then raids may take place.

Common Taboos

It is taboo to waste either food or water. If any national and public source is tampered with it is met with being labeled a traitor and being executed publicly and mercilessly.


Gender Ideals

Everyone must be a productive member of society. It doesn't matter your status or gender.


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