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Local Net Server

A Local Net Server (LNS) is a city-wide telecommunications network that acts to facilitate all Intranet connections within a municipal area. Each city functions on its own, completely separate, LNS, with these local nets being linked to others through only a handful of connections that are closely surveillanced and experience much slower data transfer. While the Local Net Server is far more secure than a World Net would be, getting news from the other side of Juwon might take weeks for someone in Kunari City, and there aren't any methods of real-time communication across Local Net Servers available to the public. Radio is the biggest alternative to a pure network connection, though its limited range only makes it useful in rural regions already close to major city centers.   Any technology you access on a day-to-day basis is, in some way, linked to the Kunari LNS. The Local Net Server hosts everything from traffic control systems to banking services on a series of interlinked systems and sub-servers. Your Personal Net Server, home terminal, vehicle gps, etc. are all also connected to the LNS in some manner. Personal modifications and cyberware all have the capacity for at least some manner of one-way connection and are often not subject to net controls and surveillance unless they have Local Net browsing capabilities. While everyone interacts with the net on a daily basis, Netrunners are those who specialize in understanding and using the net as a both a tool and a weapon. They are the technomancers, cybersecurity specialists, and codebreakers of the Local Net.  


Cyberscares in the late 20th century spurred on the technological innovation of local nets in order to replace the far less secure World Net. Following the already devastating effects of a worldwide famine after the Third Global War, a wave of cyberterrorism caused widespread rioting and economic collapse in 1992. Markets collapsed and communcations across the globe were shut down, leading to a period of civil war, economic instability, and general suffering that lasted until 1995. During this period, cyberspace specialists from around the world banded together to combat cyberterrorist cells and rogue AI in what would be known as the Net War. This fighting, largely confined to the strange abscesses of cyberspace, caused devastating infrastructural damage to the foundations of the World Net.   The end of the Net War would see the collapse of the World Net and the destruction of most AI programs, as well as allowing for the rise of a new wave of surveillance and cybersecurity technology. Restrictions on AI became commonplace, with limitations to their availability, usage, and potential being enacted following the deactivation of all old net AI. Municipal governments began to set up local nets after international technological organizations recommended such action in order to prevent future worldwide cyberterrorism. By the year 2000, each major municipal sector, and its tributaries, had their own separate Local Net Servers.


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