New Mayhem City

Nigel Watson gazed upon the ruins of New York City. The once-majestic skyscrapers now stood as skeletal remains, their glass windows shattered and steel beams exposed to the sky. After days of trying to find his family, he strode down Fifth Avenue, weaving through debris and abandoned vehicles. Many of the businesses were closed. Shells of cars, trucks, and even a city bus lay gutted. The scorch marks were a reminder of how fragile society was. He felt guilty about his participation in everything that contributed to the downfall. He still couldn’t believe the enormity of it all and how fast society collapsed after the Cabal made its final move. I can’t believe it came to this. The world has gone crazy. Even my friends have turned against me.   A shattering of glass took Nigel out of his thoughts and into the present. It was coming, and it wanted blood. It would have his if he wasn’t prepared.   Nigel quickly withdrew his handgun, his grip tight around the worn-out handle. He could feel sweat trickling down his forehead as he edged slowly towards the sound. The remains of a dilapidated building loomed ahead, shards of glass crunching under his boots as he moved closer.   His heart pounded in his chest like a war drum, matching rhythm with the soft, echoey rustling emanating from within the shadows. A cold wind blew through the cracks, carrying a stench of decay and desolation. He ran a hand through his scruffy hair, mentally preparing for what might be another horrific encounter.   Suddenly, a creature lunged out from the gloom - an abomination of twisted flesh and metal. Its red eyes gleamed menacingly in the dim light as it growled at him. It was one of Cabal's monstrosities, a grim reminder of their sickening experiments.   With practiced ease, Nigel aimed and pulled the trigger. The shot echoed ominously against the ruined cityscape and the creature stumbled back, letting loose a guttural shriek before collapsing onto the broken asphalt.   He sighed raggedly, holstering his weapon and continuing on his path. Every moment served as a haunting testament to the world that once was. He thought of familiar faces - friends who had been swallowed


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