
Now, you could take gigs yourself, but when you get hazed once or twice - or get a dose of lead in lieu of payment - you might start looking around for a good fixer. Prove yourself, and you'll never have to worry about your next gig again. The fixer will choose your crew, negotiate a decent payout (after all, he or she's taking a cut), and pull you out of whatever shit you might land in on the job (unless it was your gonk fault, in which case- you're on your own).

Fixers are organizers, agents, go-betweens; they know the latest word on the street, they know who pays right and whose gigs stink from a mile away. Each one has his or her own way of getting things done, but they all follow a certain code of honor: if you work for one, they'll never leave you high and dry. Of course, this code goes both ways. Go ahead, try and haze Wakako Okada or Padre - see what happens.

Not every fixer deals in the same type of area or sphere of influence. Where one might move illegal weapons over the border, another steal and resell medical supplies from the Corporations. Where one is a skill broker—acting as an agent for high priced Solos and Runners or even hiring a whole Nomad pack to back a client's contacts, another buy and sell favors like an old-style Mafia godfather. They have connections into all kinds of businesses, deals and political groups. They don't do this directly, of course—no, Fixers see their contacts and allies as a part of vast web of intrigue and coercion. If there's a hot nightclub in the City, a Fixer has bought into it. If there are new military-class weapons on the Street, a Fixer smuggled 'em in. If there's a Corporate war going down, A Fixer is negotiating between sides with an eye on the main chance.

Not all Fixers are entirely in it for the bucks, though. If someone needs to get the heat off, there might be a fixer willing to hide them. A fixer might get people housing when there isn't any, and they bring in food when the neighborhoods are blockaded. Maybe they do it because they know that somewhere down the line, they can collect what they're owed later. They're one part Robin Hood and two parts Al Capone. Back in the 90's, they would have called a Fixer a crimelord. But this is the fragmented, deadly 2070s. Now they call them Fixers.