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Viktor "Razorbyte" Kadic

Background: Real Name: Viktor "Razorbyte" Kadic Age: 34   Appearance: Slim, wiry frame with augmented arms and cybernetic eyes that glow faintly blue. Always dressed in dark, utilitarian clothing, adorned with subtle LED strips running along the seams. His face bears the faint scars of past augmentations and a rough street life.   Personality: Razorbyte is cold, calculating, and rarely shows emotion. He thrives on his work and prefers interacting with machines rather than people. Paranoid by nature, he constantly monitors the club's systems and prides himself on anticipating threats before they occur. He has a dry sense of humor but only shares it when he’s in control of the situation.   Cyberware: Neural Interface: Provides instant access to Neon Dreams' security systems, with direct control over the club’s cameras, alarms, and doors. Subdermal Armor: Lightweight armor under his skin, giving him decent protection from small arms fire. Cybereyes: Equipped with infrared and low-light vision, allowing him to monitor the club even in complete darkness. Cyberarm: His right arm is fully cybernetic, with a concealed data spike for direct hacking access.   Motivation: Razorbyte is loyal to the owner of Neon Dreams because it provides him a secure base to operate out of and a lucrative paycheck. His long-term goal is to amass enough blackmail data from the club’s VIPs and patrons to be untouchable in Night City.   Weakness: His paranoia can be exploited. Razorbyte constantly fears a personal cyberattack and is overly cautious, often slowing his responses due to excessive precaution.   Combat Stats: INT (Intelligence): 8 REF (Reflexes): 6 COOL: 5 TECH: 9 (Cybersecurity genius) DEX (Dexterity): 5 BODY: 5 (Durable, but not built for heavy combat) EMP (Empathy): 3 (Distant, struggles with personal connections) Gear: Smart Pistol (w/Smart Ammo): Razorbyte’s go-to in a crisis. With his neural link, it grants him +2 to hit and ignores penalties from cover. EMP Grenades: For disabling hostile cyberware or hacking devices.     Technical and Hacking Skills: Interface (Role Ability): 7 (Netrunner exclusive ability, core to his role) Cybertech: 6 (Highly proficient with cyberware) Electronics/Security Tech: 6 (Master at security systems) Cryptography: 5 (For encryption and decryption)   Combat Skills: Handgun: 5 (Proficient with his smart pistol) Evasion: 4 (Dodge attacks and move quickly)   Awareness Skills: Perception: 6 (Keeping a sharp eye on surroundings) Conceal/Reveal Object: 4 (Hiding and detecting hidden objects) Deduction: 4 (Drawing conclusions from clues and data)   Social Skills: Persuasion: 3 (Capable of basic negotiation) Streetwise: 4 (Navigating the underworld) Human Perception: 3 (Reading people, though it's not his strong suit)   Other Skills: Stealth: 4 (Staying unnoticed when needed) Bribery: 3 (Knowing when and how to offer a bribe)     Razorbyte’s Hacking Programs Hellbolt (Anti-Personnel Program):   Effect: Deals 3d6 damage to a Netrunner’s brain when they are jacked into a system. Direct attack on enemy Netrunners. Resist: Defender must succeed a Speed Test to avoid. Sword (Anti-Personnel Program):   Effect: Razorbyte uses this to attack enemy Netrunners within the Net. It deals 2d6 damage directly to the opponent’s brain, bypassing normal armor. Resist: Speed check to dodge. Zap:   Effect: Quick, low-damage attack (1d6) used to disable enemy runners. It's not lethal, but useful for disrupting systems and Netrunners. Resist: Automatically hits with no resistance. Cloak:   Effect: Used to cover Razorbyte’s tracks within the Net. When deployed, it hides his movements and activity from anyone monitoring the network. DV to Detect: DV8. Shield:   Effect: Provides defensive support by granting Razorbyte 2 armor points against incoming attacks in the Net. Poison Dart:   Effect: This program is used to infect an enemy with a virus that damages their cyberware over time, reducing its effectiveness by 2 for several rounds. Particularly useful against enemies reliant on advanced cybernetics. Worm:   Effect: Worm allows Razorbyte to find and steal valuable data from a system. Useful for data retrieval missions like extracting personal information or corporate secrets.   Quickhacks As a Netrunner, Razorbyte can also perform Quickhacks during his turns, leveraging his Interface skill. Here are some suggested Quickhacks that fit his role:   System Reset (DV12):   Effect: Forces a target to go unconscious for 60 seconds (20 rounds). The target drops prone, and it can only be awakened by taking damage. Use: Ideal for taking out guards or other threats without resorting to lethal force. Short Circuit (DV8):   Effect: Disables three pieces of cyberware for 60 seconds (20 rounds), including limbs, eyes, or internal cyberware (not major systems like a cyberarm or cyberleg). Use: Perfect for shutting down enemy cyberware during combat, rendering them vulnerable. Overheat (DV8):   Effect: Causes the target to catch fire, dealing 4 damage directly to HP at the end of each of their turns until they extinguish it. Bypasses armor. Use: Lethal and effective when you want to eliminate someone without directly confronting them. Puppet (DV12):   Effect: Razorbyte gains control over the target’s Action and Move for 1 turn. He can force them to attack allies, pull a grenade pin, or trigger traps. Use: Extremely versatile in combat, letting Razorbyte manipulate enemies. Lure (DV10):   Effect: The target hears a phantom noise and is forced to move in that direction. Razorbyte can use this to mislead enemies or force them into traps. Use: Great for splitting up enemies or baiting them into dangerous areas. Impair Movement (DV6):   Effect: Lowers the target's MOVE by 1 for the next 60 seconds (20 rounds). If reduced to 0 MOVE, the target cannot move. Use: Perfect for slowing down targets trying to escape or attack.


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