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Specializes in: Genetic engineering, Microbiological, and biochemical research.   Headquarters: La Jolla, California   Regional Offices: London, Bonn, Paris, Seattle, Dallas, Night City, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro.   Chief Officer/Designer: Nicolo Loggagia   Employees: 36,256


When the fuel crisis really began to affect the industrialized community in the late 1990s, Biotechnica, then a small firm with only one office, came up with the answer: CHOOH2 TM (pronouned 'chew two'). CHOOH2(not its actual chemical formula) is a complex grain alcohol produced by genetically engineered yeasts and wheat strains created by Biotechnica. The potential of CHOOH2 was realized almost immediately after it was introduced, and within a few years, all fuel-burning vehicles and power plants had converted to the new product. Although Biotechnica held worldwide patents, it lacked the production facilities to meet worldwide demand, forcing it to license production to several large Agricorps and PetroCorps. These deals made Biotechnica an extremely wealthy, but still not particularly large, company. Biotechnica is also probably the closest thing to a "good guy" Corporation in the Time of the Red. Its labs have provided much of the tech that enabled the Pacific Confed to develop new bioengineered "replacement species", and biotechnicais active in restoring both animals and habitat throughout teh blighted environments of this era.
Founding Date
Corporation, Research & Development
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