General Samantha Lee Young
General Samantha Lee Young, (ret.) (a.k.a. Sammy Slaughter Lee)
Tall, confident, and possessing an imposing military bearing to go with the rank, Marine
General Samantha Lee Young (ret.), was an up-and-coming military strategist and brilliant
tactical general when she was talked into resigning her commission and going to work for
General Donald Lundee. Multiple victories in the grueling combat environment of the SouthAm
Wars had already earned her troops'—whom she often led from the front—undying loyalty
and the nickname "Sammy Slaughter Lee." So, she was a natural to lead Militech's most elite
forces against the armies of their rival, the Arasaka Corporation. Up until President Elizabeth Kress—a fellow
soldier in the past—pulled Militech's leash and forced an end to the War, Sammy Lee's tactical foresight was
starting to fold Arasaka into a defensive posture. And while Kress didn't reactivate Young's commission, the two
experienced warriors soon reached a peaceful understanding that awarded each other the highest respect.
Even in her sixties, General Young is still a force to be reckoned with. Her impeccably maintained cyberware,
long silver hair, and ramrod military posture positively reek of experience and expert command. She never
loses her temper, unlike her superior Gen. Lundee—she responds to most provocations with a wry smile and
a dismissive chuckle. But although few talk about it now, many survivors of the SouthAm still recall the Sammy
Slaughter Lee who once led her division into the rebel stronghold known as "The Hellmouth," and brought them
back victorious. She's definitely more than just a "Face"—she's an unstoppable force.
Blond curvy, greying.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I know I'm a soldier. But as a soldier, I know that every time you go to war; every time you pick up that gun, there's a price to pay. I've grown to accept that price, but I still accept it with reservations. Because after the SouthAm, I'm all to aware that in the end, no on really wins a war."
Aligned Organization