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Merrill, Asukaga, & Finch

Merill, Asukaga & Finch (MA&F), is an exclusive investment and financial counseling firm, based in New York, NUSA. The company was known for handling and investing very large sums of money on behalf of their global clients.   If you had money in Night City, and wanted more, or just wanted it safe, the people with who to talk were Asukaga & Finch. They were, without a doubt, the top people in investments of all kinds, from stock to real estate to frog-farming futures. However, if you did't have a good deal of money in the first place, they weren't interested – the commission on a 1000 eurodollar investment wasn't worth their rather expensive time.[2] Because the company tends primarily to corporations, many find their expensive and impersonal approach to be off-putting, and prefer to take their business elsewhere.[3]   The high caliber of service that Asukaga & Finch has offered throughout the decades continues to attract many of the richest and most powerful people in the world. If, for some reason, they were to go bankrupt, some of the greatest powers in the world, both legal and illegal, would be overturned

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"Attorneys & Counselors at Law"


Dispersed as needed among the offices are: 15 AV-4 assault vehicles 8 corporate jets 2 Osprey II aircraft. Each office also has two helicopters and a non-surgical infirmary. Merrill Asukaga & Finch controls the finances of many powerful people, and even some small nations. Accordingly, they can command a great deal at short notice, including political favors and powerful military equipment.
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