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Olivia Forsythe

Olivia Forsythe (a.k.a. The Kibble Queen)

The Face of Continental Brands is Olivia Forsythe. To the public, she is the Kibble Queen, a persona created entirely by her marketing department. The Kibble Queen is best known as the mascot of their Oasis stores, which launched shortly after they "left" Petrochem to capitalize on the food instability created by the Time of the Red. Their business model was simple. If an Oasis was the only place to reliably purchase food and only sold their brands, then profit was assured. Once an Oasis is established, the community is entered into the Oasis Community Loyalty Program. Pleasing the Kibble Queen by purchasing large quantities of foods or electing local representatives supported by Continental Brands earns points for the whole community. Likewise, displeasing the Kibble Queen by importing food from outside the community, growing your own food, or publicly organizing against Continental Brands results in a point penalty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olivia is a home-grown monster of the Corporate world, filled with malice toward everything that does not directly benefit her. She detests the Kibble Queen character and is rarely seen in public unless forced by her duties as a Face. She also unilaterally hates the brands she worked for on her way up the company ladder, with the exception the first brand she helped bring to market for Petrochem, Triti-Fizz, which she considers her greatest achievement. Habitually, she drinks six cans a day and does two lines of synthcoke in the morning. She hates the spotlight put on her by being a Face and wants nothing more than to slink back into the shadows of the Corporate office, where she's always done her best work.


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