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Buying and Selling

Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it, choomba.   — Publilius Syrus
  Whenever you buy or sell something, you aren’t doing it alone. First off, you’re always selling it to someone, or buying it from someone, and you two aren’t the only people in the city. All transactions happen in the context of an economy, which determines the current Market Price for an item. The economy of the Time of the Red is one of scarcity where more often than not supply is low, and demand is high.   Without the help of an experienced Fixer or one of their Night Markets, only items up to Premium can be purchased.   Everything you buy in this world falls into one of eight Price Categories, which determines their Market Price. If you aren’t a Fixer, forget about getting it cheaper. If it’s Expensive and you don’t know a Fixer, forget about getting it at all.  


Where to buy stuff

  When you need to make big purchases, there are very few stores around in the Cyberpunk future. And if you're looking for an old-fashioned grocery store for a bag of soy chips (or to hold it up for a few bucks), forget it.       Vendits   In the Time of the Red, most low-cost, day-to-day purchases are done via Vendits: self-contained vending machines that dispense everything from meals to clothing to weapons. All you have to do is swipe a cred-card over the scanner (Vendits do not trade in hard currency), press a few buttons or say a few words, and within moments your desired purchase drops out the slot.   A Vendit can be placed almost anywhere; they are self-powered using a small thermal battery good for five years, and use an onboard datalink to call for repairs, refills, or even protection (although most don't need much protection, a Vendit typically counts as Thick Steel cover and has an installed Automated Turret with a Flamethrower.       Bodegas   A bodega is a small corner store or market that sells groceries and wine. A bodega is kind of like an offbrand convenience store, just smaller and more convenient than a supermarket. This isn't the 17-11. This is Bob's Dollarama. Thing is, bodegas are always a source of action in the City. They're open all night, they have alcohol and other things gangers really like, and the clientele are almost always colorful characters.       Night Markets   Night Markets spring up all over the City, often without warning; whenever a good shipment comes in off a transport or something really useful is uncovered by the Nomads or Fixers. Similar to the old swap meets held in the 20th century, Night Markets are mobile shops mounted on trailers, vehicles, shipping containers, and whatever else has mobility and some spare volumetric to display stuff. Getting to a Night Market is as much about connections as it is about money. Some of the best markets are top secret affairs, which require connections or access codes just to find them. Night Markets can pop up for a few hours, then vanish forever, or regularly show up at specific sites where they can depend on enough security and space to set up shop over time.     Midnight Markets   Besides Night Markets, there's another, even more secretive level of Market—the Midnight Market. Midnight Markets are flash markets open, only by invitation, to a select clientele: the extremely wealthy, powerful, or influential. That velvet painting of the cats playing poker? That's a Night Market find. That Mona Lisa you wanted? Midnight Market. Only the very top Fixers host Midnight Markets, and it's the dream of every ambitious Fixer to one day reach the exalted realms where they can host their own. A Midnight Market contains 1d10 + 5 rare and sought-after items of the GM's choice. Additionally, a Midnight Market gathers the leadership of the criminal underworld to make deals, discuss operations, and recruit new blood.


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