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"You can be good. Or you can be dead. But the more you can add; the more you can bring that meat you were born with up to the next level, the better you can be. And that means less of a chance of ending up on the dead side of the equation."  
  • Damien

    Before we Start

      Let's begin by straightening one thing out: It's cyberware. Not cyberwear. Cyberwear is stuff you can remove. You're just wearing it, chombatta. You're a tourist. You're not yet committed to the Edge.   Cyberware is the various types of "hardware" you actually have implanted in or replacing parts of your body. It's the stuff that you live with. You see it as part of your body in a way your favorite jacket will never be. It's like your heart, or your hands, or your gonads. When you get it installed, you're making a major commitment. You're replacing or enhancing something you were born with. That's staying on the Edge.   Got it? Okay then...   First, forget everything you ever thought about cyborgs. Everything. This is the Dark Future—the Time of the Red. Even if the supply lines are down, the stores have been looted, and you have to buy it in the Night Markets, today's cyborg is still committed to being stylish. Cybernetic design focuses on a streamlined, high-mover lifestyle. Whether equipped with implanted memory chips in your nervous system to enhance a street fight, or bio-engineered mini-weapons for your personal protection, the cyborg of the Time of the Red is always on the cutting edge of hightech living.     ▶ Style Over Function ◀   But they aren't necessarily a walking tank either. Cyberware should be smoother than that—less obvious. You'll have to integrate your new-tech gadgets into a slick, seamless whole. You're either predator or prey in the City, and the faster you learn to blur the line between the two categories, the longer you'll survive. And that's the point: survival.    The Cyber Lifestyle  It's "hip and aware" to have high-tech grafted into your body somewhere. If you can afford it, you probably have at least a couple of "enhancements": a few chips installed in your nervous system to interface with your computer, remember your appointments, and improve your cyberball reflexes. If you're cybered up, you probably have interface plugs to operate computers and vehicles mentally. Maybe your eyes are cyberoptics with a recording function and the latest iris tint (polychrome is in this year), or you've boosted your hearing to better hear the gossip in the Executive Lounge. Though this type of Cyberware is rarer in the Time of the Red. If your job involves some type of security or combat function (and most occupations in this time have at least some type of combat aspect), you probably have two or three types of combat chipware, as well as plugs for a smartgun. As a Solo, you may have had an arm or a leg replaced with a cyberlimb, allowing you to hide a variety of tools and weapons in your body, as well as giving you an edge in speed and strength. And even if your job technically doesn't involve violence, it's a safe bet that you're not going to be wandering The Street without some kind of nastiness implanted in your body. "Better cyber than sorry," is what The Street says about that. So as a Cyberpunk, you're going to want to get your hands on the best of this exciting and expensive tech. And "expensive" is the word. The average enhanced Character with, say, two cybereyes (targeting scope and IR enhancement), speedware, one super-chromed arm with a .25 cal submachine gun, interface plugs, and chipware for Brawling, Driving, and First Aid is an investment of thousands of eurobucks. If you can even find all that hardware. There was a War choomba, and some of the best stuff's been hoarded or just plain torn apart in the corporate battlefields of the urban zones. Of course, the ambitious punk already knows at least twenty-five ways (most of them illegal) to raise that sort of paltry sum; and they have the connections to get them in the Night Markets. But before you start loading up, there's a catch.  


      Cyberpsychosis is a dissociative disorder which occurs when someone with preexisting psychopathic tendencies enhances themselves via cybernetics to the point they no longer see themselves or others as complete, sapient organisms, but simply as a collection of replaceable parts. Common symptoms of cyberpsychosis include lack of self-preservation, complete disregard for others, poor impulse control, and explosive outbursts. Let's get this clear from the start: if you already have these underlying psychological issues (in game represented by a very low Empathy) you are more likely to be a candidate for cyberpsychosis). Installing cyberware isn't the only way to edge towards this mental explosion. Strong and/or horrific events and situations can also wear down your Humanity. And unfortunately, Edgerunners deal with these sorts of situations on a regular basis. This is something your GM controls; they often times may attach a Humanity cost on an event or situation (like when you stumble across a pack of scavvers eating a baby: Humanity Loss of at least 6 points right there.)   Practicing Safe Cyber  On the other hand, not all cyberware and augmentations contribute to cyberpsychosis. In the Time of the Red, people who lose parts of themselves or were born without parts have the option to buy MedicalGrade Cyberware (see pg. 226) which functions only as a replacement and has no Humanity cost. Medical implants are treated the same as long as they have a therapeutic use. Similarly, people undergoing gender affirmation surgery or other forms of therapeutic body modification choose to use Bodysculpting (see pg. 226) which has no Humanity cost. Only cyberware used to replace perfectly functional body parts or enhance the body beyond the human baseline can push someone towards cyberpsychosis. Even then, there are some therapeutic options available (see pg. 229).  The Psycho Squad  Cyberpsychosis has always been a big problem in the Dark Future. While state-sponsored therapy is an option, the hardest part is getting the patient into the psychologist's office. What do you do when a metal-armored, cyberboosted maniac starts randomly killing people? If you're the government, you organize a special squad of professional police with one job: to hunt down and capture or kill murderous cyberpsychos. If there isn't much government left, the locals will probably start their own Psycho Squad Militia and go after your 'borged-up butt anyway, even without a warrant. Psycho Squads are common to most urban or corporate police departments, going under names like C-SWAT (Cybernetic Special Weapons & Tactical Squad), PSYCHE-DIV, CYB-Enforcement, and MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division). Armed with the best in armor, comm equipment, and vehicles, most carry weapons that start at the light cannon range and go up from there. They are, by nature, not very nice people. Now you know. Walk carefully. Guard your mind.  


      Cybertechnology or Street Cyberware Cybertechnology can be purchased almost anywhere. Some of the medical procedures are simple: walk-in types of surgery with minor installations taking place in whatever shopping mall clinics (Bodyshoppe, Fashion/Fusion, and Parts N' Programs are three popular chain stores) still exist, or drop-in medical centers (Docs R Us™). These installations are much like getting your ears pierced. You can even have upgrades and improvements plugged into the old hardware for the cost of the new parts, allowing you to start small (called "stripped" or "economy") and add as you go. You can't install cyberware if you're suffering a Critical Injury related to it. For more information, see pg. 220.     ▶ The Goodies: Cyberware Types ◀   There are 8 types of Cyberware.   Fashionware: Stuff you install for personal adornment.
    Stuff you install to enhance or augment your reflexes and mental abilities.
    Stuff you install to improve visual abilities.
    Cyberaudio: Stuff you install to improve hearing and auditory abilities.
    Internal Body Cyberware:
    Stuff that is implanted in your body and works like organs or systemic improvements. 
    Body Cyberware: Stuff that is installed in, on, over or immediately through the skin.
    Cybernetic arms or legs that can be enhanced with a variety of hands, coverings, or functions. See Page 115 for list.
    Stuff which fully replaces the majority of your body with cybernetic parts that are augmented by cyberoptics, audio, prosthesis, or other cyberware installations. See Page 116 for list.     How to Read the Cyberware Tables   All Cyberware is defined by five factors: Name, Install, Data, Cost, and HL (Humanity Loss).   Name: The popular street name of the cyberware.
    Where you can get it put in. Installation surgery is always included at no extra charge, including at Character Generation.
    • Mall means you can literally get the installation done in any mall or street corner bio-mod shop; the equivalent of ear-piercing in the 1900s. There are not as many of these as there were in the 2020s.
    • Clinic means an actual Medtech in a medical surgery clinic. Most of the installation is automated, but it takes a skilled practitioner to use that gear. Most ripperdocs are at this level.
    • Hospital means the work requires major surgery and a Medtech capable of doing this kind of work. This also requires a full hospital or the nearest equivalent, which is relatively rare.
    Description & Data: A description of the cyberware, its game mechanics, its prerequisites, and what is known about it on The Street. Benefits from multiple installations of the same cyberware do not stack unless otherwise noted. For more detailed information about the item, go to page 358.
    Options Slots:
    Most classifications of cyberware have a foundational piece of cyberware that is a prerequisite for installing other cyberware of this type. This cyberware has a number of Option Slots that can be filled with other cyberware. Unless otherwise marked, most cyberware options require one slot in the foundational cyberware or of that category. If a type of cyberware requires a foundational piece it will be listed first with its Option Slots. In the case of Fashionware, Internal Cyberware, and External Cyberware, there is no foundational cyberware but you can still only implant 7 Option Slots worth of cyberware.
    What the cyberware costs in the main currency in Night City, the Eurobuck. The Price Category of the item is listed below its cost. See Buying and Selling on Page 385. HL (Humanity Loss): How badly this installation will affect your psyche. At Character Generation, Humanity Loss is preset. After Character Generation, Humanity Loss is determined by the dice in parentheses following the preset number.  

    Pick a hairstyle and color for me. Referrence UR, Michiko Sanderson, and Maz Despair for ideas and cross-reference them against what's popular according to Night City Pulse. Send the specs directly to my techhair while I'm in the shower.   — nightingale

    Kill Display   Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Mall
    Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)   Now these are real retro-cool. You wanna look like one of those Edgerunners from the 2020s? You gotta get one of these, on the forearm if you’re here for the throwback. But you don’t have to just use it for tracking your personal body lotto number–you can rep your Megabuilding, the number of exes you’ve got, or make sure the street knows your quote price. You decide!   Fashionware. Bright and bold letters illuminated from under the user’s skin declare KILLS: followed by a number. The count is self-reported using a linked Agent, and goes up to a maximum of 999. Counts as an installation of Light Tattoo fashionware, making it helpful for reaching the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus for having three installations.
    Lead’s Turn-On-Show-Off Nails   Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Mall
    Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)   You don’t always need to just sell what you know. My girlfriend is crazy about Turn-On-Show-Off Nails, watches at least 4 different Garden Patches dedicated to customizing and modding them, and was overjoyed that my latest cargo container haul had a box full of ‘em buried in the back. So buy them now, before she does.   Fashionware. A full set of 10 programmable lighted fingernails allow the user to bring the nail art of their dreams to life. Each purchase comes with a set of light pens for creating new nail art presets. Presets can also also be downloaded from the CitiNet using a linked Agent. Counts as an installation of Light Tattoo fashionware, making it helpful for reaching the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus for having three installations. Can be installed on both meat and cyberware hands.
    ▶ Mood Eye   Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Mall
    Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)   Gotta admit. These are kinda weird. I guess they, uh, are for people with a unique fashion sense? Yeah, that’s it! Real trend setting product right here. Be on the newest wavelength of fashion with these, just maybe don’t work a customer service job with them installed. Or do? I’ve never worked a real job in my life, maybe they would be cool with it? Customers actually care about the people serving them, right?   Fashionware. Color changing lenses implanted into the user’s eye. User’s eye color changes based on the largest single characteristic of their current mood as interpreted from brain scans recorded by their Neural Link. Red=anger, Blue=sadness, Yellow=fear. Pink=arousal, Green= jealousy, Grey=dead.   Faking an emotion scan flawlessly enough to change your eye color while wearing these is a DV 21 Acting Check. Can be deactivated by the user at any time without an Action. Requires Neural Link.




    Holo Projector Palm   Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Clinic
    Humanity Loss: 2 (1d6/2 Round up)   Now this one’s just neat. Makes a great pop-up advertisement, a neat trick for those first dates, and it’s waterproof and doesn’t get covered up by your wetsuit, making it great for checking the news while you’re surfing. Somewhere else. Don’t surf in Night City, the water will kill you.   Cyberarm Option. A hologram projector built into the user’s palm. Can output an potentially interactive holographic projection roughly the size of a soda can when linked to an Agent. Can be installed as the only piece of Cyberware in a meat arm.
    Sponsored Covering     Cost: 50eb (Costly) • Install: Mall
    Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)   You want to make some money? Passive income, very limited strings attached? You’ve got a personal brand, and it’s time to leverage it, make your image work for you. I’m sure we can get the incentives aligned to something we can all agree on. After all, Edgerunners are chill and trendy and brands want to tap into that energy for their products. It’s win-win. Synergy!   Cyberlimb Option. Covers the cyberlimb in an illuminated advertisement. Assuming the user remains in good standing with their sponsor, which can include refraining from questionable behavior, participating in activities required by the sponsor, and displaying the limb uncovered (yes, they have sensors) for a set percentage of every day, they receive 20eb on the first of every month. Typically, a user is forced to pay for their own Sponsored Covering upfront as part of their contract, but not all contracts include this clause. Sponsors have been known to attempt to repossess the entire arm if the wearer breaks the terms of their agreement. Requires a Cyberarm or Cyberleg but does not take an Option Slot.

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