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Let's talk about things that go Bang... or Chop, Chop, Slice

Weapons are part of everyday life in the Time of the Red. With only a few cops on The Street and lots of heavily armed and armored miscreants roaming around just itching to reduce you to salable parts, it's no wonder that everyone you meet is probably packing. The trick is to make sure you're carrying more than they are—and that you know enough about how to use it so that they don't take it away from you.    Weapon Categories   There's three categories of weapons:   Melee Weapons: Swords, axes, clubs, hammers, etc. Ranged Weapons: Things that are fired, shot or thrown. Exotic Weapons: Melee or Ranged Weapons that are specialized or don't fit the above categories.   Many weapons can either be traditional (something you hold and can put down) or implanted into your body as cyberware. Known on The Street as cyberweapons, implanted weapons are usually a variant of Ranged or Melee Weapon. Some oddities, like the infamous cybersnake are, on the whole, only loosely classified as Melee Weapons, if at all. These all have their own specialized uses, so we'll be talking more about those in the Cyberware section.  

Melee Weapons

  These are things you swing or stab at someone, hoping to beat them bloody or remove their limbs. Swords, axes, clubs, hammers—the whole contents of the hardware aisle in your local night market. If you use your hands to deliver the damage with it, it's a Melee Weapon. Melee weapons are generally linked to the DEX STAT.     ▶ How to Read the Melee Weapon Table ◀   Melee Weapon Type: The classification of the Melee Weapon.
Example Melee Weapons:
A few examples of the classification of melee weapons.
Number of Hands Required:
How many hands you need to hold the weapon and use it. In the case of Melee Weapons the number of hands required is based on what the weapon is and not its classification.
The damage of a single attack from the weapon. Rate of Fire (ROF): How many times the weapon can be swung with a single Attack Action.
Can be Concealed?:
If the weapon can be concealed with the Conceal/Reveal Object Skill under clothing.
What the weapon costs in the main currency in Night City, the Eurobuck. The Price Category of the item is listed below its cost.  

Ranged Weapons

  These are things that shoot. Guns, lasers (rare), gyro jets (rarer still), even the little hand-crossbows that those idiots in the road-warrior gangs like to wave around. If something comes out of it, traverses a distance, and causes damage at the end of that trajectory, it's a Ranged Weapon. Ranged Weapons are generally linked to the REF STAT. When buying Ranged Weapons, it's important to keep in mind that all weapons are effective at different ranges. An assault rifle is great for long-range shots and mid-range fire fights but it can be unwieldy in tight corridors and close-quarters gunfights. You probably want to carry a pistol as well just in case somebody gets the drop on you. You can find the Range Table on pg. 173.     How to Read the Ranged Weapon Table  Weapon Type: The classification of the weapon.
Weapon Skill:
The Skill you use when firing this weapon.
Single Shot Damage:
The damage of a single shot from the weapon. Standard Magazine: How many bullets or other types of ammo can be held in the weapon without mods. Below the magazine size you can find the type of ammunition the weapon fires.
Rate of Fire (ROF):
How many times the weapon can be fired with a single Attack Action.
Number of Hands Required:
How many hands you need to hold the weapon and fire it.
Can be Concealed?:
If the weapon can be concealed with the Conceal/Reveal Object Skill under clothing.
Alt Fire Modes & Special Features:
Unique traits of the weapon. See the full section on pg. 173.
What the weapon costs in the main currency in Night City, the Eurobuck. The Price Category of the item is listed below its cost. See Buying and Selling here.  

Weapons of Excellent or Poor Quality

  Melee and Ranged Weapons often vary by the quality of their construction. You can find cheaper versions of more weapons that are prone to jamming. But you can also find high quality version that improve your capabilities.   Poor Quality Weapon
Poor Quality Weapons malfunction whenever you roll a Critical Failure (a 1 on your Attack Check), requiring you to use an Action to reverse the malfunction before they can be used again. Unjamming your weapon doesn't require a Check. Cost varies based on the weapon’s base cost.   Excellent Quality Weapons
When attacking with an Excellent Quality Weapon you add a +1 to your Attack Check with it. Cost varies based on the weapon’s base cost.  


Ranged Weapon Ammunition

  • Ammunition comes in many varieties: Bullet (Medium, Heavy, & Very Heavy Pistol, Slug, or Rifle), Shotgun Shell, Arrow, Grenade, and Rocket and must be bought for the ammunition type of the weapon.
• Grenades and Rockets are purchased individually. All other ammunition is purchased in increments of 10.  

  Basic Ammunition
Cost: 10eb per 10 units (Cheap)
This is the standard ammunition for the weapon. It has no special features. Comes in Bullet (Pistol, Slug, or Rifle), Shotgun Shell, and Arrow. Grenades and Rockets do not come in Basic and must be bought on pg. 344 in the Night Market Section based on their type.   Armor-Piercing Ammunition
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: All except Shotgun Shells
When using this ammunition, you ablate armor by 2 instead of 1 whenever you would ablate armor.   Biotoxin Ammunition
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows and Grenades only.
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone meat hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV15 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails is dealt 3d6 damage directly to their HP. Their armor isn't ablated because it wasn't interacted with.   EMP Ammunition
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types Available: Grenades only.
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV15 Cybertech Check. If they fail, the GM chooses 2 pieces of their Cyberware or carried electronics to become inoperable for 1 minute. Cyberlimbs that are rendered inoperable act as their meat counterparts do when they have been dismembered, but they still hang loosely. See Critical Injuries on pg. 187 .   Expansive Ammunition
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows, Bullets, and Slugs.
When using this ammunition, whenever you cause the Foreign Object Critical Injury, the victim rolls again on the Critical Injury table (see pg. 187) until they roll a Critical Injury that isn't Foreign Object. The victim then suffers that Critical Injury as well. This second injury deals no Bonus Damage.  Flashbang Ammunition
100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Grenades only.
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV15 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails suffers the Damaged Eye and Damaged Ear Critical Injuries (see pg. 188) for the next minute. You do not take the Bonus Damage from the Critical Injuries.  Incendiary Ammunition
100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows, Bullets, Grenades, and Shotgun Shells.
When using this ammunition, whenever you deal damage to a target through their armor, you ignite the target. Until your target spends an Action to put themselves out, they take 2 damage directly to their HP whenever they end their Turn. Multiple instances of this effect cannot stack.  Poison Ammunition
100eb (Premium) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows and Grenades only.
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone meat hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails is dealt 2d6 damage directly to their HP. Their armor isn't ablated because it wasn't interacted with.  Rubber Ammunition
10eb (Cheap) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows, Bullets, and Slugs.
Damage dealt using this ammunition cannot cause a Critical Injury. Additionally, attacks made with this ammunition cannot ablate armor. If damage dealt by this ammunition would reduce a target with more than 1 HP to less than 0 HP, they are instead left at 1 HP.  Sleep Ammunition
500eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows and Grenades
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone meat hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails is now Prone (see pg. 169) and Unconscious for 1 minute or until they are woken by taking damage, or by someone else using an Action that touches them.  Smart Ammunition
500eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types Available: Arrows, Bullets, and Rockets
Targeting Scope Cyberware is required in order to make use of Smart Ammunition. When fired by a User without Targeting Scope Cyberware, Smart Ammunition won't fire even when the trigger is pulled, as a safety feature. When using this ammunition, whenever you miss a shot by 4 or less when using a weapon's single shot firing mode, your missed shot immediately has a second chance to hit your target. This second chance to hit is made by rolling again to hit the exact same shot DV on the range table which you missed, except that you add 10 to the d10 instead of anything you would typically add to the Check, with the only exception being LUCK. A target that can dodge bullets can choose to dodge this ranged attack as normal.  Smoke Ammunition
50eb (Costly) • Ammo Types Available: Grenades only.
Obscures a 10m/yd by 10m/yd area with smoke for a minute on impact. The typical penalty for trying to perform a task obscured by smoke is -4.   Teargas Ammunition
50eb (Costly) • Ammo Types Available: Grenades only.
When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone with meat eyes hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails suffers the Damaged Eye Critical injury (see pg. 188) for the next minute. You do not take the Bonus Damage from the Critical Injury.  

Weapon Attachments

  Each Non-Exotic Ranged Weapon has 3 Attachment Slots that can be upgraded with attachments. You can combine multiple attachments that take up the same physical location, but you must pay the slot cost of both attachments independently. Equipping the same attachment twice does nothing. Attachments are made for specific weapon types and cannot be easily retrofitted for other weapon types.  

Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons fired with the Shoulder Arms Skill.
When wielded, this weapon can also be used as a Light Melee Weapon. While this is attached to a weapon, it cannot be concealed under clothing.  Drum Magazine
500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons except Bows/Crossbows.
The weapon holds a maximum number of shots equal to its Drum entry on the Clip Chart below. Only one clip can be attached to a weapon at a time. While this is attached to a weapon, it cannot be concealed under clothing.  Extended Magazine
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons except Bows/Crossbows.
The weapon holds a maximum number of shots equal to its Extended entry on the Clip Chart chart below. Only one clip can be attached to a weapon at a time. While this is attached to a weapon, it cannot be concealed under clothing.  Grenade Launcher Underbarrel
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons fired with the Shoulder Arms Skill.
When wielded in two hands, the weapon can also be used as a Grenade Launcher, with only 1 grenade in its magazine. While this is attached to a weapon, it cannot be concealed under clothing. Requires 2 Attachment Slots.  Infrared Nightvision Scope
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons.
Reduces penalties imposed on your firing at a target obscured to you by darkness, smoke, fog, etc. to 0. Looking through the scope, you can distinguish hot meat from cold metal, but not more specifically than that. You can’t tell the brand of their Cyberarm from a distance, or see any of its internal surprises, for example.   Shotgun Underbarrel
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons fired with the Shoulder Arms Skill.
When wielded in two hands, the weapon can also be used as a Shotgun, with only 2 shots in its magazine. While this is attached to a weapon, it cannot be concealed under clothing. Requires 2 Attachment Slots.  Smartgun Link
500eb (Expensive) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons.
Installing or uninstalling a Smartgun Link takes an hour. A weapon is a Smartgun only when it has a Smartgun Link attached to it. Special Cyberware is required to take advantage of a Smartgun. A Smartgun Link must be connected to you with Interface Plugs or a Subdermal Grip in order to operate, both of which require you to have a Neural Link. A Subdermal Grip connects a Smartgun held in it automatically. You can plug in Interface Plugs as part of drawing a Smartgun into a free hand, as long as your Interface Plugs aren't already plugged into something else. Being disarmed of your Smartgun doesn't snap your cables, it just unplugs them from the Smartgun. Plugging them back in isn't an Action should you have the Smartgun in your hand, as their ports are designed for ease-of-use. Why go through all this trouble? Because when making Ranged Attacks with one, you add a +1 to your Check. Requires 2 Attachment Slots.  Sniping Scope
100eb (Premium) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons.
Looking through the scope, user can see detail up to 800m/yds away. When attacking a target 51m/yards or further away with either a weapon's single shot firing mode or an Aimed Shot, you can add a +1 to your Check. Does not stack with TeleOptics Cyberware.  

Exotic Weapons

  Exotic Weapons are weapons that are overly specialized or too unique to be easily described. They are typically variants of existing weapon types. All Exotic Weapons are Average Weapon Quality and are incompatible with all Weapon Attachments and Non-Basic Ammunition unless otherwise stated. The table below offers a brief glimpse of Exotic Weapons. For a full description and rules for each, see page 347.  How to Read the Exotic Weapon Table  Name: What we call it. While, in many cases, this is a generic name; there are lots of brands to choose from.
Description & Data:
The specifics of the weapon are listed here. In most cases, the Exotic Weapon will refer to a Non-Exotic Weapon listed in the Melee or Ranged Weapons table. With the exception of anything noted here, the weapon functions the same as its Non-Exotic counterpart.
What the weapon costs in the main currency in Night City, the Eurobuck. The Price Category of the item is listed below its cost. See Buying and Selling on Page 385.  

 Air Pistol
100eb (Premium)
An Exotic Medium Pistol. Fires paint balls, which are typically filled with paint, and thus deal no damage. If you filled the paint balls with Acid however, each Acid Paintball still deals no damage, but lowers the SP of the target's armor (worn in the location shot) by one with each successful hit. Great for trying to capture someone alive. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury. Ammunition costs the same as for a normal Medium Pistol, even if filled with Acid.  Battleglove
1,000eb (Very Expensive)
A heavy gauntlet covering the hand and forearm. Contains three option slots for Cyberarm or Cyberlimb options. When worn, the options stored in the glove’s slots can be accessed. Putting on a Battleglove and taking one off is an Action. The cost to purchase and install a Cyberarm option into the Battleglove is the same cost as doing so in a Cyberarm. Any options stored in a Cyberarm or meat arm the Battleglove is being worn over are inaccessible while the Battleglove is being worn. Cannot be concealed.  Constitution Arms Hurricane Assault Weapon
5,000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic 2 ROF Shotgun. It cannot make Aimed Shots. Its drum holds 16 shots. Reloading this weapon requires using two Actions, and thus can only be done over the course of two turns. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it is mounted.  Dartgun
100eb (Premium)
An Exotic Very Heavy Pistol that can only load Non-Basic Arrow Ammunition. Unlike other weapons that fire Arrows, a Dartgun has a clip of 8 Non-Basic Arrows and must be reloaded just like a typical Very Heavy Pistol.  Flamethrower
500eb (Expensive)
An Exotic Shotgun fired with the Heavy Weapons Skill instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill. Mechanically, the flamethrower is a Shotgun that can only fire incendiary shotgun shells (ammunition cost is also the same as Incendiary Shotgun Shells), except that while your targets are ignited, until they spend an Action to put themselves out, they take 4 damage to their HP at the end of their turns. If they were already on fire, this fire effect replaces one that would deal less damage. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury, and it cannot be used to make Aimed Shots.  Kendachi Mono-Three
5,000eb (Luxury)
An Excellent Quality Two-Handed Exotic Very Heavy Melee Weapon. With the correct biometric key, damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's armor entirely if it is lower than SP11. Armor with a higher SP is still interacted with as normal. A high-tech katana with a nearly transparent crystal blade. Orbital crystal reinforces its redesigned microscopically serrated edge which vibrates four thousand times a minute when its handle is gripped by a user with a correct biometric key. In the hands of a user without the correct biometric key, the blade will not vibrate, leaving it only an Excellent Quality Two-Handed Exotic Very Heavy Melee Weapon. At no additional cost, any color of laser can be installed into the hilt to refract within the crystal blade, giving it a flaring neon glow. The most popular color is red.  Malorian Arms 3516
10,000eb (Super Luxury)
An Excellent Quality Exotic Very Heavy Pistol. It deals 5d6 damage with a single shot, and comes permanently installed with the Smartgun Link weapon attachment which must be connected (via Interface Plugs or a Subdermal Grip) in order for the weapon to operate. Extremely rare and sought after, this weapon is even more expensive today than it was in the past, when one even can be found for sale.  Microwaver
500eb (Expensive)
An Exotic Very Heavy Pistol. Instead of dealing damage, on a hit it forces the target to try to beat a DV15 Cybertech Check. If they fail, the GM chooses two pieces of their cyberware or carried electronics to become inoperable for a minute. Cyberlimbs that are rendered inoperable act as their meat counterparts do when they have been dismembered, but they still hang loosely. See Critical Injuries. Ammunition is costless, as it runs off easily rechargeable (1 hour) battery packs that need to be replaced after 8 shots. Extra battery packs are 50eb (Costly).  Militech "Cowboy" U-56 Grenade Launcher
5,000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic 2 ROF Grenade Launcher. Its magazine holds four grenades. Despite being an Exotic Weapon, it is capable of firing all forms of Grenade Ammunition. Reloading this weapon requires using two Actions, and thus can only be done over the course of two turns. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it is mounted.  Rhinemetall EMG-86 Railgun
5,000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic Assault Rifle that is incapable of Autofire and Aimed Shots. It is fired with the Heavy Weapons Skill instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill. The weapon holds 4 shots. Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target's armor entirely if it is lower than SP11. Armor with a higher SP is still interacted with as normal. Reloading this weapon requires using two Actions, and thus can only be done over the course of two turns. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it is mounted.  Shrieker
500eb (Expensive)
An Exotic Very Heavy Pistol. Whenever a user fires this weapon without some form of ear protection, they suffer the Damaged Ear Critical Injury. Instead of dealing damage, on a hit it forces the target to try to beat a DV15 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. If they fail, they suffer the Damaged Ear Critical Injury. Ammunition is costless as it runs off of easily rechargeable (1 hour) battery packs that need to be replaced after 8 shots. Extra battery packs are 50eb (Costly).  Stun Baton
100eb (Premium)
A One-Handed Exotic Medium Melee Weapon. If damage dealt by it would reduce a target to under 1 HP, they are instead Unconscious at 1 HP. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury and doesn't ablate armor.  Stun Gun
100eb (Premium)
An Exotic Heavy Pistol. If damage dealt by it would reduce a target to under 1 HP, they are instead Unconscious at 1 HP. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury and doesn't ablate armor. Ammunition is costless as it runs off easily rechargeable (1 hour) battery packs that need to be replaced after 8 shots. Extra battery packs are 50eb (Costly).  Tsunami Arms Helix
5,000eb (Luxury)
An Exotic Assault Rifle, fired entirely with the Autofire Skill. It can only be fired using Autofire and it cannot make Aimed Shots or fire in single shot. It holds 40 bullets. When fired, the Helix consumes 20 bullets with every attack. If you hit, you roll 2d6 for damage, and multiply it by the amount you beat the DV to hit your target, up to a maximum of 5. Reloading this weapon requires using two Actions, and thus can only be done over the course of two turns. Firing this weapon requires BODY 11 or higher unless it is mounted.


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