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Archer Quartz EC-L R275 2041

After Archer released the Hella, the company ran into trouble. The popular family car proved so reliable and affordable that quickly saturated the market. To avoid self-cannibalization, Archer was forced to diversity its portfolio by expanding in the sports car sector. The fruit of their efforts finally emerged in 2041 with the Quartz. This two-seater with a durable engine was marked at an approachable price, but the subtle elegance and sturdiness of its design made it popular among more than just the urban middle class. The Quartz is, as it turns out, well suited to endure the harsh desert climate. As a result, it has become a mainstay vehicle for a large portion of the nomad population. Any cityfolk who have dared risk interstate ground transport can likely testify that the silhouette of a Quartz on the horizon spells fast-approaching trouble.


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