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Dr. Edward Michaels, PhD

Dr. Edward Michaels has the job no one else wants, running the Night City Univercity. Anyone who wants anything from the University will eventually meet him. He's balding and in his late seventies, but still runs every morning to keep in shape, aided by his new Rocklin Augmentics cyberlegs. Dr. Michaels is a distinctly open and honest man, and made his reputation for excellence in the academic circles during his term on the Pacifica school board. He has made deals with various groups of Edgerunners in the interest of defending his university in the Time of the Red. Michaels also believes that everyone at NCU should be treated equally, while many of his colleagues believe that total Corporate sponsorship is the way to go.

Dean of Night City University. A very open and honest man. Made his reputation for excellence in the academic circles. He always tries to keep the corporations out of the University's decision-making processes. He also believes that everyone at the university should be treated equally.

Character Location
Current Location
Night City University
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Alias(es): None
Age: at his 70s
Gender: Male
Affiliations: Night City Univercity
Current Role: Exec
Former Role(s): None


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