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Cyberpunk Red

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In the aftermath of the 4th Corporate War, atmospheric particles from the nuclear blast in Night City, as well as debris from orbital weapon strikes, continent-wide firestorms, conventional explosives, and the wartime burning and annihilation of cities and agricultural areas, cast an eerie red pall over skies worldwide. For nearly two years, skies were tinged a bloody red, which eventually died down to brilliant red sunrises and sunsets through the next decade. Known as the Time of the Red, this would be the backdrop for the first years of the post-War recovery, only fading away as the world's battered populations began to reconstruct their shattered cities. But despite the weakening of the atmospheric effects, the name has stuck among the war's survivors and, much as the 1920s was known as the Roaring Twenties and the 1930s as The Great Depression, in future histories the period between the end of the 4th Corp War and the present will probably always be referred to as the Time of the Red.   So, the 4th Corporate War ground to a halt, and the Cyberpunk world started to begin its slow rebuilding. Through the red skies and periodic "blood rains" (caused when rainstorms pulled the crimson particulate out of the skies and deposited it as a greasy crimson slime reminiscent of blood), the cities and nations of the world cleaned up the last pockets of Corporate resistance and got on with their lives.