GAP Project Organization in Cyberpunk RED: Cradle of Innocence | World Anvil

GAP Project


The GAP Project is currently overseen by a senior Military officer that will support and help bring the project to fruition. This will be done by supporting the Lead Scientist in charge of the project.


The GAP Project has just recently been revealed to the other military factions of the Lunarian Army as a Special Operations Force. Most of the common citizens of the Moon aren't aware of what it entails. For the military personnel, most are deeply unnerved by the folks that have been puked out of the project.

Public Agenda

The GAP Project promises that it will find a solution to the army's problem with the little number of soldiers in it. It promises to produce quality super soldiers that will be able to replace a hundred men with a single one.


In 1997, the Moon was occupied by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the goal of developing mass drivers and take the raw materials of the Moon. The goal was to use it to fund the construction of many of their other projects. Amongst those was the Crystal Palace in the Lagrange Point 1, a place between Moon and Earth where the station would remain in equilibrium.   Workers, on the Moon and the stations, felt disgruntled with the living conditions under the ESA. Long hours, abysmal pay, dangerous working conditions and an authoritarian regime all factored into the birth of revolutionary groups both on the Moon and in the Orbital O'Neill Colonies. Lunarians founded the Lunar Liberation Front (LLF) to plot for the destruction of the ESA in their territory, to free their people from oppression. Though the Front had a lot of projects going on, one of them was of note and would become the foundation of the GAP Project.   They knew they had very little workforce compared to the ESA and their allies. What they needed was efficient, strong, space soldiers to fight the good fight. Some scientists on the Moon thus brought forth the Aeternitas Project, with the goal of genetically engineering those super soldiers that would one day liberate their home. In order to get the necessary tests subject, they took any volunteer and even offered compensation to those that sold themselves to them. In secret they researched, keeping well away from the ESA's eyes.   The first generation (in 2014) of test subjects was a failure. The gene altering compounds they received too strong and altering their bodies in a way their mind couldn't properly follow. In the wake of this first failure, they started operating and testing on a second batch of subjects (Gen 2, starting in 2016), learning from their mistakes. They would use the same dosage and compounds, but would alter their handling of the test subjects. The moment they would show the symptoms that ended their predecessors, they would be leucotomized until the symptoms abated. This of course affected their ability to properly interact with other human beings and probably wouldn't lead them very far in their endeavours. The Gen 2 tests lasted for a long while, up until 2022 when all subjects were set to be vivisected to get what intel they could to then craft the perfect batch, Generation 3.   Soon after this part of the project came to be, the revolt on O'Neill 2 happened (on the 29th of September 2022) and the ESA was pushed back from Lunar Space. A proper government was put in place and eventually the Aeternitas Project was found out. The Lunarian Army got their hands on the research and opened the project under a new name and proper leadership to ensure the test subjects wouldn't suffer (as much) as they had been under the LLF. About a quarter of the 2nd Generation subjects were left at that point, but their woes didn't end there, for they would still be tested on for years to come.   Though the GAP Project made sure to lower the dosage of gene altering compounds, for the new generations of Genetically Augmented Pilot, the procedures are still considered inhumane and dangerous.

Ever Onward

Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Human Lab
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization