Nostradomnix Merryweather Featherwing Nix

  Nix was born into the Summer Court, of the insignificant house of Featherwing, but still a part of the court itself. Their childhood was seemingly benign until their parents noticed a propensity for learning magic. Seeing an opportunity to improve their social standing within the court, they immediately sought a mage, for whom Nix could be an apprentice. It must be said that they did love Nix and also wanted to support them, but this motivation was monstrously overshadowed by their ambition. Luckily, they had an acquaintance in the Circle of Mages, Priscilla.  

Learning magic of a courtly level was difficult. Priscilla was not mean, but expected a lot of her apprentice. There were times when Nix was ready to give up instead of continuing because they were falling short of expectations, but their parents lovingly, patiently, and very firmly encouraged Nix to continue (one could say they basically told Nix giving up was not an option, just in much nicer words).  

  During their tenure as apprentice to Priscilla, Nix experienced a training mishap where a dear friend of theirs, a paladin in training, ended up passing away. This experience fundamentally changed how Nix was approaching magic. In grieving, Nix vowed to become a protection magic specialist, now understanding that if they are powerful enough, they can protect their loved ones from harm, without acknowledgement that there is no way for them to be able to prevent ABSOLUTELY everything.  

  After some years of being an apprentice, Queen Titania appointed Priscilla to the Head Mage of the Court. This in turn, promoted Nix to the prestigious position of Apprentice to the Head Mage of the Court, and therefore came with even higher expectations.  

  Eventually, whispers of a hag (Bavlorna Blightstraw) disrupting Prismeer found their way to the Summer Court. Nix was assigned to accompany a paladin named Clay and put an end to the hag. During the ensuing battle, Nix was made unconscious. Upon awakening, Clay told Nix about being outsmarted by Bavlorna and the curse upon him. While the news was hard to take in, Nix did not blame Clay for what happened. Hags and magic wielders are tricky fucks. However, Nix could not in good standing return to the Summer Court without accomplishing their task.   Needing to seek gold to break the curse, Nix and Clay chased down all rumors of obtaining gold. While they were obtaining gold, it was not quick and would take them many years if they continued taking small jobs. The most recent rumor is that there is much gold to be the future.


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