The Three Truths

In the city of Sigil, there are three truths which are universally acknowledged: the location of the center of the multiverse, the unity of rings, and the rule of threes.      

Center of the Multiverse

    What's at the center of the multiverse? Nothing-- and everything. The multiverse is an infinite expanse, and nothing can literally be at the center of infinity. Nevertheless, countless worlds, faiths, and narcisssists consider themselves the center of everything. They're all correct, in a sense: Wherever you stand is the most important place in the universe-- at least, for you.  

The Unity of Rings

Systems, cycles, orbits, planes, lives, even the city of Sigil itself-- the multiverse is composed of infinite rings. Whether these are physical or philosophical rings, the elements of the multiverse have no beginning or end, and if you follow any for long enough, you'll return to where you started.  

Rule of Threes

When things happen, they happen in threes. You might not always be able to perceive or understand how events are related, but somewhere, sometime, or somehow, every action has two partners. Often this isn't worth worrying about. Other times, nothing matters more.  


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