
Annabella Estellio (a.k.a. Anna, Tory Lino, Marsha Oneito, Kelly Escabar)


Member of the BMS Surgical's black ops team, Team Alpha. As with Dango, she is a ruthless killer. Unlike Dango is has some restraint on her action, more calculating. Good at small unit tactics. She is the most deadly of the six, second dangerous.
Anna was tracked down to a bio compnay, Ether Technologies where she was the Chief of Security. She was killed during a raid on the facility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in Columbia. Joined the army. Went into the Columbia Covert Agency (KAS). Left after a few years and joined the corporation.

A member of Team Alpha. She was killed during the raid on Ether Technologies.

Current Location
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Skills/Talents Government Trained Assassin, Piloting Skills, Skilled in Various Weapons, Security System Specialist, Demolitions. Cybernetically Enhanced.

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